Q. Should a buyer’s agent be checking permits for their clients? No. A buyer’s agent’s…
What’s In A Name?
Who Are You? Who, who, who, who!! In the interest of complete transparency for members…
Cornhole Tournament Fundraiser: Saturday, August 27th
Cornhole Tournament Fundraiser: Saturday, August 27th, Dalton VFW (Bags fly at noon) The Dalton VFW…
Upcoming Educational Opportunities
The following two education programs have been opened for registration. FREE to Berkshire REALTORS, $10…
New Option for Quick Launch Searches
Want easier access to nearby listings for a specific address? You can now quickly perform…
Notes from the Legal Hotline: Tenant Rights
Q. I have a tenant who is offering to pay 6 months of rent upfront…
Lead Paint Form Upload to Flexmls
The MLS Board of Directors considered a request to create a policy about uploading all…
Deepest Sympathies to Matt Jarck
We are deeply saddened by the passing of Matt Jarck’s wife, Debra. She was a…
Tax Population in MLS
As you are aware, the auto population function in Flexmls is not currently functioning. Board…
Share Listing(s) Via Text Message on Flexmls Desktop
Did you know that on average, it takes a person about 90 minutes to open…
Flexmls Training: Portal Preferences
Join Josh for this 20-minute Coffee Break session – seating is limited, be sure to…
August Continuing Education Registration Open Now!
Chapter 93A of the Massachusetts General Laws, also known as the “Consumer Protection Act”, are…
Maximize Your Membership | Explore Available Benefits
We share with all new members the power of your REALTOR® membership benefits, but realize…
Please Report Sales, Verify Data
Please check the MLS system to make sure all your sales are reported correctly, that…
Flexmls Training: Working with Contacts, Subscriptions and Portals
NOTE: This program begins at NOON Eastern Time
July Continuing Education – Register Today!
Leisure Homes, Second Homes and Age Restricted Housing July 14, 2022 – 9:00-11:00 a.m. Zoom…
The Benefits of Flexmls IDX – On Demand Webinar
ON-DEMAND IDX TRAINING WITH REAL-TIME INTERACTION This is a very busy time for Real Estate…
dotloop Users – Please Read!
It came to our attention that dotloop users did not have the most recent version…
15 Minute Homesnap Spotlight Training
The folks at Homesnap have begun a new series of 15 Minute Spotlight trainings for…
Changes Coming to the Public Listing Sheet
The National Association of REALTORS has mandated some online disclosure changes for REALTOR Associations that…