Login Instructions
The password you were provided by the MLS initially will expire within 2 weeks of issue. If you do not sign into the system within that time period, you must call or email the Board Office to obtain new authorization to access the system.
The staff will create a temporary address for you and when logging into the system for the first time, you will be prompted to create your own password.
The Board Office staff can help you in the event you misplace your user name and/or password by resetting your account. Your actual password you use will not be revealed even to the staff here.
FlexMLS tech support CAN NOT assist you with password issues, due to security reasons.
Password confidentiality: It is important to reiterate the strenuous lengths we will go to, to ensure that passwords remain confidential.
- If a Participant or person employed by or affiliated with a Participants provides unauthorized access to the Multiple Listing Service information, including providing their MLS password to any other person, the Participant will be sanctioned by the MLS Board of Directors, as outlined in the procedures set forth in Section 9 of the MLS Rules and Regulations.
Sanctions for password violations includes the ability to suspend MLS membership for the entire office, expulsion, and/or fines up to $5,000.