Homesnap Showing Service has been added to your Homesnap and MLS member benefit for no…
April Berkshire Residential Market Snapshot
You will find our most recent version of the Berkshire County Residential market at the…
How to Get Bang for your Buck and HUGE Marketing Exposure
If you are like the average American, your household spends $164 per day on sundries…
June Continuing Education
We’re happy to bring Linda Kody back in June to teach the Closing and Settlement…
Ukraine Relief Update from Joanna Szwyd
Joanna has posted a wonderful thank you to all of her fellow REALTORS who provided…
Music Bingo is Back! Support this Amazing Night and Awesome Cause!! Don’t Miss Out!
Music Bingo is back! We look forward to a fundraising event to rival music bingo…
Last Chance to Register: Let’s Talk Housing Breakfast Meeting
Breakfast is back!! This advocacy event will focus on creating effective ways to address our…
Designated REALTOR / Managing Broker Meeting
We are following up our first very successful Designated REALTOR meeting with another! Agenda topics…
Music Bingo – June 2, 2022
As you may have read last week, Music Bingo is back! We look forward to…
Report April Sales ASAP!
If you had a sale in April…congratulations! Please take a moment to make sure your…
Notes from the Mass Association Legal Hotline
Thank you to MAR legal counsel for sharing their notes taken from calls received through…
Music Bingo is BACK!
Remember what a rockin’ good time we had at Music Bingo pre-covid? Well… IT’S BACK! …
Next Designated REALTOR Meeting on the Schedule!
On the heels of a great DR meeting in February, we have scheduled our next! …
May Continuing Education Webinar
Join us in the Disclosures, Disclosures, Disclosures webinar. Our instructor, Andy Consoli, will review the…
Free Member Benefit: RETI – What is RETI?
Our Board of Directors entered into a relationship with RETI (The Real Estate Training Institute)…
FREE Fair Housing Webinar – The Road to Success: Landlords and HUD’s Section 8 Housing Voucher Program
Brought to you, courtesy of the Massachusetts Association of REALTORS, you are invited to join…
Our Condolences to our Members
We are so saddened to share passings of beloved family of members of the Board. …
Designing a Listing with Virtual Staging
These days most consumers primarily shop online. And as a listing agent if you are…
Blue’s Popular…But Sometimes It Needs a Boost
by: Staged Ryte Forty-two percent of women and 30% of men prefer blue over all…
Last Call for April CE Registration!
Note: Registration closes for our April Antitrust CE Program Monday, April 18th at 5:00 p.m.…