And the winner is…Many of you know Sandy from her continued involvement in the Board’s leadership, and although it is wonderful to recognize her for her achievements this year, we can’t help but be impressed by the pattern of her volunteer commitment.
REALTOR SPIRIT, as written by Sandy Drager
As a member oft he Berkshire County Board of Realtors, and therefore a member of the State and National boards, I feel our organization has grown in the 21 years that I have been a Realtor. When I first came into this business, our reputation at that time seemed to leave a lot to be desired to the public. Our image has certainly changed a great deal since then. The quality of dedicated, honest REALTORS who adhere to our Code of Ethics is really great. Unfortunately, the press only prints what it wants to, so our publicity is not always there or the best when it is there. I have been really fortunate to be able to be a REALTOR and hope that I have had the “spirit” through the years. I plan on continuing my dedication and honesty to the public for the rest of my career.
If you look up the word spirit in the dictionary, it is defined as a particular mood or emotional state characterized by vigor and animation, the essential and activating principle of a person, the will, to impart courage, inspiration, animation or determination, stimulate, encourage. That is a pretty good description of “REALTOR SPIRIT” as we know it, particularly within the Berkshire County Board.
Thank you for the opportunity to be nominated as Realtor of The Year…this is truly REALTOR SPIRIT”.
Current Local Activities:
* 15 years Member – Realtor Community Service Comm.
* 15 years Editor & Chair – BCBR Newsletter Comm.
* 10 years on the Professional Standards Committee
* 2 Years on the Education Committee
* 4 Years on the Membership Committee
* Past Secretary on the Berkshire Realtor Directors
* Past Secretary on Multiple Listing Service Directors
State Association Activities:
* 1978 – Present – Member of the Mass. Association
* 1993 – Present – Member of the Mass. Association of Buyers Agents
* Graduate Realtor institute Designation (GRI)
* Certified Buyer Representative (CBR)
* Realtor Community Service Committee Chairman
* State Convention Attendance at Falmouth, Plymouth, Springfield, Bahamas, Newport (2) and Boston (2)
National Association Activities
* 1978 – Present – Member of the National Association
* Completed education for CRS designation.
* Attended National conventions in San Francisco, Anaheim, and Orlando.
Civic Affairs:
* 1989 became a member of the Chamber of Commerce and supported Business After Hours and Chamber Good News Breakfasts.
* Member of South Congregational Church in Pittsfield for 24 years, member of the Choir, a Trustee, Chair of the Scholarship Committee, Music Committee and member of the Capital Fund Drive.
Additional volunteer service with the following organizations:
* Pittsfield Senior Center Fund Drive
* American Cancer Society
* Red Cross
* Right to Life Start up Committee
* Past member of the Bus. & Prof. Women’s Society
* Long time member of the Berkshire Concert Choir
* Presently Pittsfield Beautiful Board Member
* Member of the Pittsfield Proud Committee
* Pittsfield Concealed Hidden Garden Tours Comm.