Past and Present Leaders

If you, or a Berkshire County REALTOR® you know are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, please check out the information we have on-line to join the ranks of leadership!

Our current President

Nick Geranios, William Pitt Sotheby’s International, President


Nick Geranios | Nick’s Bio
William Pitt Sotheby’s Int’l
26 Church St., Lenox, MA 01240
c – 413-822-6598, o – 413-637-4402


In addition to the Berkshire County Board of REALTORS not-for profit real estate trade association, the Board also owns the Multiple Listing Service, Inc. to manage the property listings and cooperative marketplace. Both organizations have paid professional staff and elected leaders that govern the workings of both companies so that consumers are protected, Realtors can thrive and the Berkshire community can have an orderly real estate governance.  We have a small staff and a large cadre of volunteers from the real estate professional community.

Berkshire County Board of REALTORS Board of Directors


The Multiple Listing Service Board of Directors

The MLS Board is comprised primarily of broker-owner Participants of the Service, also elected at the Annual Meeting. These candidates represent not only our diverse region, but also of diverse business types. The MLS Board is comprised of no more than three sales agents, at least one broker-owner from each council, and brokers specializing in various markets as well.

State & National Directors

The Berkshires are provided 2 state director positions based on our size percentage compared to other boards in Massachusetts. These two positions are appointed by the current year president, along with one alternate director. The President of the Berkshire County Board of REALTORS® is granted, by MAR bylaw, a seat on the Massachusetts Board of Directors along with our representatives. Additionally, there is one regional Vice President elected from Western Mass that also receive a vote on the MAR BOD, and this selection is made by all state directors in the Berkshire, Hampshire, Hampden and Franklin counties. Finally, those members who run for an election to National leadership and obtain a seat on the NAR board of Directors are granted an automatic appointment to the MAR Board of Directors.

Professional Staff

The Board of REALTORs and Multiple Listing Service is run by a professional staff of three.  They work diligently on behalf of all members and coordinate the activities of hundreds of volunteers during the course of a year.  The staff is led by Sandy Carroll, Chief Executive Officer, RCE and she works with the Board’s elected leadership shown below. More information about the staff

Past Elected Leaders


Cortney Dupont, 2019 President
President’s Bio

Cohen & White Associates
Office Phone – (413) 637-1086
Cell-phone – (413) 429-5000

President Cortney Dupont (19)
President Elect Eric Steuernagle (20)
Vice President Tracy Crawford (19)
Sec/Treasurer Katie Soules (19)
Past President Churchward Davis (18)
Director Suzanne Crerar (20)
Director Maureen Kirkby (19)
Director Jason Nocher (20)
Director Molly Thomas (20)
Director Nick Geranios (19)
Director Billy Keane (19)
MLS President Peter West (19)
MLS President Peter West (19)
Vice President Pam Roberts (19)
Sec/Treasurer Matthew Jarck (18)
Director Matthew Chow (19)
Director Susan Colvin (19)
Director Michael Harrigan (20)
Director Brandon White (20)
Past President Steve Ray (19)
Board President Cortney Dupont (18)
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Cortney Dupont
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Debbie Dwyer
MAR Dir. (2 yr) eliminated
MAR Alternate Barbara Osborne
MAR Alternate Churchward Davis
Western RVP TBD
Chair: Awards Franz Forster
Chair: REACT Mary Jane Dunlop
Chair: Personnel Pam Roberts
Chair Pro Standards Debbie Dwyer
Chair: Grievance Mary Jo Piretti
Chair: Contracts Mark McIlquham
Chair: Govt Affairs Billy Keane


Cortney Dupont, 2018 President
President’s Bio

Cohen & White Associates
Office Phone – (413) 637-1086
Cell-phone – (413) 429-5000


President Cortney Dupont (18)
President Elect Sarah Fleury (18)
Vice President Tracy Crawford (18)
Sec/Treasurer Eric Steuernagle (18)
Past President Churchward Davis (18)
Director Katie Soules (18)
Director Maureen Kirkby (19)
Director Alix Cabral (18)*
Director Mary Tyer (18)
Director Nick Geranios (19)
Director Billy Keane (19)
MLS President Steve Ray (18)
Vice President Peter West (18)
Sec/Treasurer Matthew Jarck (18)
Director Matthew Chow (19)
Director Susan Colvin (19)
Director Pam Roberts (18)
Director Kim Bergland (18)
Past President Mark Harris (18)
Board President Cortney Dupont (18)
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Cortney Dupont
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Debbie Dwyer
MAR Alternate Barbara Osborne
MAR Alternate Churchward Davis
Western RVP Barbara Osborne
Chair: Awards Franz Forster
Chair: REACT Mary Jane Dunlop
Chair: Personnel Pam Roberts
Chair Pro Standards Debbie Dwyer
Chair: Grievance Mary Jo Piretti
Chair: Contracts Mark McIlquham
Chair: Govt Affairs Billy Keane
Church Davis, 2017 President

Churchward Davis Jr., 2017 President
2017 President Bio


President Churchward Davis (17)
President Elect Cortney Dupont (17)
Vice President Sarah Fleury (17)
Sec/Treasurer Doug Goudey (17)
Past President Maureen McFarland (17)
Director Tracy Crawford (18)
Director Eric Steuernagle * (17)
Director Kristie Peck  (18)
Director Mary Tyer (18)
Director Alix Cabral* (17)
Director Billy Keane*  (17)
MLS President Mark Harris (17)
MLS President Mark Harris
Vice President Steve Ray
Sec/Treasurer Thomas Doyle
Director Cindy Poulin
Director Jeff Wilkinson
Director Pam Roberts
Director Kim Bergland
Past President Mary Jane White
Board President Chuchward Davis
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Chuchward Davis
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Cortney Dupont
MAR Dir. (2 yr) Debbie Dwyer
MAR Alternate Barbara Osborne
MAR Alternate None
Western RVP None
Chair: Awards Mary Jane White
Chair: REACT Mary Jane Dunlop
Chair: Personnel Sheila Thunfors
Chair Pro Standards Sherry Street
Chair: Grievance Patrice Melluzzo
Chair: Contracts Mark McIlquham
Chair: Govt Affairs Franz Forster
Maureen McFarland, 2017 Past President

Maureen McFarland, 2016 President
2016 President Bio
Office (413) 429-7206


President Maureen McFarland
President Elect Chuchward Davis
Vice President Cortney Dupont
Sec/Treasurer Doug Goudey
Past President Steve Ray
Director Eric Sterneugle
Director Sarah Fleury*
Director Doug Collins
Director Sandra Preston
Director Barb Demers
Director Billy Keene
MLS President Mary Jane White
MLS President Mary Jane White
Vice President Mark Harris
Sec/Treasurer Thomas Doyle
Director Cindy Poulin
Director Jeff Wilkinson
Director John McLean*
Director Tim Lovett
Past President Karen Climo
Board President Maureen McFarland
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Maureen McFarland
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Barbara Osborne
MAR Dir. (2 yr) Cortney Dupont
MAR Alternate Chuchward Davis
MAR Alternate Debbie Dwyer
Chair: Awards Steve Ray
Chair: REACT Paula McLean
Chair: Personnel Sheila Thunfors
Chair Pro Standards Sherry Street
Chair: Grievance Patrice Melluzzo
Chair: Contracts Charley Sawyer
Chair: Govt Affairs Franz Forster

Steve Ray, 2015 President
2015 President Bio
Phone: (413) 499-2995


President Steve Ray
President Elect Maureen McFarland
Vice President Churchward Davis
Sec/Treasurer Stephen Schoenfeld
Past President Mark McIlquham
Director Eric Sterneugle
Director Colleen Zajac
Director Doug Collins
Director Selina Lamb
Director Cindy Poulin
Director Kirsten Fredsall
MLS President Mary Jane White
MLS President Mary Jane White
Vice President Suzanne Crerar
Sec/Treasurer Tiffany Roberts
Past President Karen Climo
Director Craig Kahn
Director Kim Burnham
Director Mark Harris
Director Tim Lovett
Board President Steve Ray
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Mark McIlquham
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Barbara Osborne
MAR Dir. (2 yr) Debbie Dwyer
MAR Alternate Steve Ray

2014_McIlquhamMark McIlquham, 2014 President
2014 President Bio
Realty Street, 2 Depot St , Dalton, MA 01226
Phone: (413) 684-4000

President Mark McIlquham
President Elect Steve Ray
Vice President Maureen McFarland
Sec/Treasurer Stephen Schoenfeld
Past President Barbara Osborne
Director Mark Harris
Director Barbara Greenfeld
Director Dawn Farley
Director Churchward Davis
Director Cindy Poulin
Director Kirsten Fredsall
MLS President Karen Climo
MLS President Karen Climo
Vice President Colleen Zajac
Sec/Treasurer Mary Jane White
Past President Jeff Rose
Director Craig Kahn
Director Kim Burnham
Director Tim Donnelly
Director Tim Lovett
Board President Mark McIlquham
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Mark McIlquham
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Barbara Osborne
MAR Dir. (2 yr) Debbie Dwyer
MAR Alternate Steve Ray

2013_OsborneBarbara Osborne, President 2013
2013 President’s Bio
Phone: (413) 655-0003

President Barbara Osborne
President Elect Mark McIlquham
Vice President Suzanne Crerar
Sec/Treasurer Deane Christopolis
Past President Chapin Fish
Director Craig Kahn
Director Gary Ostrander
Director Andy Myers
Director Maureen McFarland
Director David Walker Price
Director Christy Martino
MLS President Jeff Rose
MLS President Jeff Rose
Vice President Karen Climo
Sec/Treasurer Colleen Zajac
Past President Andy Perenick
Director Nate Girard
Director Mary Jane White
Director Steve Ray
Director Tim Lovett
Board President Barbara Osborne
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Barbara Osborne
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Victoria Ross
MAR Dir. (2 yr) Debbie Dwyer
MAR Alternate Mark McIlquham
NAR Dirctor None
Western RVP Anne Meczywor

2012_FishChapin Fish, President 2012
2012 President’s Bio
William Brockman Real Estate, Fiddletop Road, Monterey, MA
Office phone: (413) 528-4859


President Chapin Fish
President Elect Barbara Osborne
Vice President Suzanne Crerar
Sec/Treasurer Deane Christopolis
Past President Carlyne Mills
Director Paul Curro
Director Tom Elder
Director Christy Martino
Director Maureen McFarland
Director David Walker Price
Director Craig Kahn
MLS President Andy Perenick
MLS President Andy Perenick
Vice President Jeff Rose
Sec/Treasurer Colleen Zajac
Past President Mark McIlquham
Director Steve Ray
Director Sue Baum
Director Karen Climo
Director David Sefchik
Board President Chapin Fish
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Chapin Fish
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Debbie Dwyer
MAR Dir. (2 yr) Barbara Osborne
MAR Alternate Andy Perenick
NAR Dirctor None
Western RVP Anne Meczywor

2011_MillsCarlyne Mills, President 2011
2011 President’s Bio

President Carlyne Mills
President Elect Chapin Fish
Vice President Barbara Osborne
Sec/Treasurer Maureen McFarland
Past President Anne Meczywor
Director Paul Curro
Director Donna Gamble
Director Shari Collins
Director Debbie Dwyer
Director Deane Christopolis
Director Suzanne Crerar
MLS President Andy Perenick
MLS President Andy Perenick
Vice President Sue Baum
Sec/Treasurer George Jarck
Past President Mark McIlquham
Director Cheryl Westall
Director Mary White
Director Jen Harvey Montano
Director David Sefchik
Board President Carlyne Mills
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Carlyne Mills
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Sherry Street
MAR Dir. (2 yr) Lynne Blake
MAR Alternate Chapin Fish
NAR Dirctor None
Western RVP None

2010_MeczyworAnne Meczywor, 2010 President
2010 President Bio
Roberts & Associates Realty, Lenox MA,
Phone: (413) 637-4200

President Anne Meczywor
President Elect Carlyne Mills
Vice President Chapin Fish
Sec/Treasurer Maureen McFarland
Past President Franz Forster
Director (1 yr) Barbara Osborne
Director (1 yr) Sue Baum
Director (1 yr) Chrissy Wooliver
Director (2 yr) Debbie Dwyer
Director (2 yr) Deane Christopolis
Director (2 yr) Suzanne Crerar
MLS President Mark McIlquham
MLS Vice President Andy Perenick
MLS Sec/Treasurer Dawn Van Ness
MLS Past President Barb Davis Hassan
MLS Director (1 yr) Tom Elder
MLS Director (1 yr) Mary Turek
MLS Director (2 yr) Jen Harvey Montano
MLS Director (2 yr) Mary White
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Anne Meczywor
MAR Dir. (1 yr) Debbie Dwyer
MAR Dir. (2 yr) Sherry Street
Alt. Director Carlyne Mills

2009_ForsterFranz J. Forster, 2009 President
2009 President Bio
Franz J. Forster Real Estate, Pittsfield, MA
Phone: (413) 499-3900

President Franz Forster
President Elect Anne Meczywor
Vice President Carylne Mills
Secretary Bev Krol
Treasurer Deb DiMassimo
Past President Sheila Wood
Director (N-1 yr) Chrissy Holland
Director (N-2 yr) Rebecca Gold
Director (C-1 yr) Andy Perenick
Director (C-2 yr) Susan Mount
Director (C-3 yr) Barbara Osborne
Director (S-1 yr) Sue Baum
Director (S-2 yr) Dan Alden
Director (S-3 yr) Chapin Fish
MLS President Barb Davis Hassan
MLS Vice President Mark McIlquham
MLS Secretary Penney Cardonnel
MLS Treasurer Lori Rose
MLS Director (1 yr) Tom Elder
MLS Director (2 yr) Mary Turek
MLS Director (3 yr) Dawn VanNess
MLS Director (3 yr) Mary White
MLS Past President Lynne Blake
MAR Director Franz Forster
MAR Director Anne Meczywor
MAR Director Charley Sawyer
MAR Alternate Sherry Street

2008_WoodSheila Wood, 2008 President
2008 President Bio
Carriage House Real Estate, Lee, MA
Phone (413) 243-0096

President Sheila Wood
President Elect Franz Forster
Vice President Anne Meczywor
Secretary Bev Krol
Treasurer Deb DiMassimo
Past President Jeff Rose
Director (N-1 yr) Carlyne Mills
Council VP Chrissy Holland
Director (N-2 yr) Rebecca Gold
Director (C-1 yr) James ‘Chico’ Gelinas
Council VP Kathy Broderick
Director (C-2 yr) Penney Cardonnel
Director (C-3 yr) Barbara Osborne
Director (S-1 yr) Tim Lovett
Council VP Victoria Ross
Director (S-2 yr) Shea Potoski
Director (S-3 yr) Sue Baum
MLS President Lynne Blake
MLS Vice President Barbara Davis Hassan
MLS Secretary Lori Rose
MLS Treasurer Debbie Dwyer
MLS Director (1 yr) Mark McIlquham
MLS Director (2 yr) Dale Abrams
MLS Director (3 yr) Dawn VanNess
MLS Director (3 yr) Mary White
MLS Past President Elizabeth Randall
MAR Director Sheila Wood
MAR Director Barbara Davis Hassan
MAR Director Charley Sawyer
MAR Alternate Franz Forster

2007_RoseJeff Rose, 2007 President
2007 President Bio
Rose Real Estate, Pittsfield MA 01201
Phone (413) 443-7211

President Jeff Rose
President Elect Sheila Wood
Vice President Martha Piper
Secretary Carlyne Mills
Treasurer Bev Krol
Past President Pat Melluzzo
Director (N-1 yr) Doreen Coones
Council VP Michael Zeppieri
Director (N-2 yr) Rebecca Gold
Director (C-1 yr) Barb Davis Hassan
Council VP Laura Hazen
Director (C-2 yr) Lou Allegrone
Director (C-3 yr) Dennis Lattazzori
Director (S-1 yr) Michael Sorrentino
Council VP Tim Lovett
Director (S-2 yr) Shea Potoski
Director (S-3 yr) David Walker Price
MLS President Elizabeth Randall
MLS Vice President Lynne Blake
MLS Secretary Lori Rose
MLS Treasurer Mark McIlquham
MLS Director (1 yr) Debbie Dwyer
MLS Director (2 yr) Dale Abrams
MLS Director (3 yr) Lance Vermeulen
MLS Director (3 yr) Mary Jane Dalmaso
MLS Past President Franz Forster
MAR Director Jeffrey Rose
MAR Director Michael Sorrentino
MAR Director Sheila Wood
MAR Alternate Victoria Ross

2006-MelluzzoPatrice Melluzzo, 2006 President
2006 President Bio
William Pitt Sotheby’s International RE, Great Barrington MA
Phone: (413) 446-1146

President Pat Melluzzo
President Elect Jeff Rose
Vice President Sheila Wood
Secretary Sheila Thunfors
Treasurer Dan Boulais
Past President Lynne Blake
Director (N-1 yr) Diana Alexander
Council VP Doreen Coones
Director (N-2 yr) Carlyne Mills
Director (C-1 yr) Bev Krol
Council VP Barb Davis Hassan
Director (C-2 yr) Lou Allegrone
Director (C-3 yr) Dennis Lattizzori
Director (S-1 yr) Michael Sorrentino
Council VP ( Mike Replaced Beth VanNess)
Director (S-2 yr) Martha Piper
Director (S-3 yr) David Walker Price
MLS President Elizabeth Randall
MLS Vice President Artie Joppru
MLS Secretary Lori Rose
MLS Treasurer Deane Christopolis
MLS Director (1 yr) Mark McIlquham
MLS Director (2 yr) Debbie Dwyer
MLS Director (3 yr) Lance Vermeulen
MLS Director (3 yr) Mary Jane Dalmaso
MLS Past President Franz Forster
MAR Director Pat Melluzzo
MAR Director Michael Sorrentino
MAR Director Sheila Wood
MAR Alternate Jeffrey Rose

2005_BlakeLynne Blake, 2005 President
2005 President Bio

President Lynne Blake
President Elect Pat Melluzzo
Vice President Penney Cardonnel
Secretary Sheila Thunfors
Treasurer Ellen Greenberg
Past President Charles Sawyer
Director (N-1 yr) Donna Thomas
Council VP Diane Alexander
Director (N-2 yr) Carlyne Mills
Director (C-1 yr) Donna Larkin
Council VP Bev Krol
Director (C-2 yr) Lou Allegrone
Director (C-3 yr) Barb Davis Hassan
Director (S-1 yr) Riccardo Boehm
Council VP Beth VanNess
Director (S-2 yr) David Walker Price
Director (S-3 yr) Martha Piper
MLS President Franz Forster
MLS Vice President Elizabeth Randall
MLS Secretary Sue Seely
MLS Treasurer Deane Christopolis
MLS Director (1 yr) Kevin Granger
MLS Director (2 yr) Debbie Dwyer
MLS Director (3 yr) Artie Joppru
MLS Director (3 yr) Mary Jane Dalmaso
MLS Past President Sheila Wood
MAR Director Lynne Blake
MAR Director Pat Melluzzo
MAR Director Sheila Wood

2004_SawyerCharles (Charley) Sawyer, 2004 President
2004 President Bio
Dayspring, REALTORS, Inc. Pittsfield MA 01201
Phone: (413) 442-8581

President Charley Sawyer
President Elect Lynne Blake
Vice President Linda Hebert
Secretary Barbara Osborne
Treasurer Ellen Greenberg
Past President Mary White
Director (N-1 yr) Carlyne Mills
Council VP Donna Thomas (V. Pres)
Director (N-2 yr) Elizabeth Randall
Director (C-1 yr) Penney Cardonnel
Council VP Donna Larkin
Director (C-2 yr) Bob Librizzi
Director (C-3 yr) Barb Davis Hassan
Director (S-1 yr) Maureen McFarland
Council VP Lance Vermeulen
Director (S-2 yr) Riccardo Boehm
Director (S-3 yr) Pat Melluzzo
MLS President Sheila Wood
MLS Vice President Sheila Thunfors*
MLS Secretary Sue Baum
MLS Treasurer Franz Forster
MLS Director (1 yr) Bob Romeo*
MLS Director (2 yr) Deane Christopolis
MLS Director (3 yr) Sue Seely*
MLS Director (3 yr) Debbie Dwyer
MLS Past President Mary Jane Dalmaso
MAR Director Charles Sawyer
MAR Director Lynne Blake
MAR Director Sheila Wood
MAR Alternate Linda Hebert

2003_WhiteMary R. White, 2003 President
2003 President Bio
Barnbrook Realty, Great Barrington, MA
(413) 528-4423

President Mary White
President Elect Charley Sawyer
Vice President Lynne Blake
Secretary Barbara Osborne
Treasurer Dennis Welch
Past President Sherry Street
Director (N-1 yr) Carlyne Mills (Pres.)
Council VP Donna Thomas (V. Pres)
Director (N-2 yr) Elizabeth Randall
Director (C-1 yr) Dan Boulais
Council VP Penney Cardonnel
Director (C-2 yr) Mary Ellen Raymer
Director (C-3 yr) Barb Davis Hassan
Director (S-1 yr) Ellen Greenberg
Council VP Maureen McFarland
Director (S-2 yr) Riccardo Boehm
Director (S-3 yr) Margi West
MLS President Mary Jane Dalmaso
MLS Vice President Sheila Wood
MLS Secretary Franz Forster
MLS Treasurer Sheila Thunfors
MLS Director (1 yr) Al Gelinas
MLS Director (2 yr) Deane Christopolis
MLS Director (3 yr) Eileen Taft
MLS Director (3 yr) Debbie Dwyer
MLS Past President Will Brinker

2001_StreetSherry Street, 2002 President
2002 President Bio
Realty Street, 2 Depot St , Dalton, MA 01226
Phone: (413) 684-4000

President Sherry Street
President Elect Mary White
Vice President Charley Sawyer
Secretary Lynne Blake
Treasurer Jonathan Hankin
Past President Elizabeth Randall
Director (N-1 yr) Mary Field (Pres)
Council VP Carlyne Mills (V. Pres.)
Director (N-2 yr) Judy Peabody
Director (C-1 yr) Charlotte McCarthy
Council VP Jan Perry
Director (C-2 yr) Barb Davis Hassan
Director (C-3 yr) Sandy Drager
Director (S-1 yr) David Walker Price
Council VP Ellen Greenberg
Director (S-2 yr) Sandra Preston
Director (S-3 yr) Margi West
MLS President Will Brinker
MLS Vice President Mary Jane Dalmaso
MLS Secretary Franz Forster
MLS Treasurer Sheila Thunfors
MLS Director (1 yr) Al Gelinas
MLS Director (2 yr) Sheila Wood
MLS Director (3 yr) Eileen Taft
MLS Director (3 yr) Debbie Dwyer
MLS Past President Jeffrey Rose

2001_StreetSherry Street, 2001 President
2001 President Bio
Realty Street, 2 Depot St , Dalton, MA 01226
Phone: (413) 684-4000

President Shery Street
President Elect Mary White
Vice President Gun Stanley
Secretary Charley Sawyer
Treasurer Jonathan Hankin
Past President Elizabeth Randall
Director (N-1 yr) Mary Field
Council VP Carlyne Mills
Director (N-2 yr) Judy Peabody
Director (C-1 yr) Gabe Gorski
Council VP Charlotte McCarthy
Director (C-2 yr) Barb Davis Hassan
Director (C-3 yr) Sandy Drager
Director (S-1 yr) Debbie Mielke
Council VP David Walker Price
Director (S-2 yr) Sandra Preston
Director (S-3 yr) Linda Warner
MLS President Jeff Rose
MLSVice President Will Brinker
MLSSecretary Mary Jane Dalmaso
MLSTreasurer Dottie Pires
MLSDirector (1 yr) Richard Tucker II
MLSDirector (2 yr) Sheila Wood
MLSDirector (3 yr) Eileen Taft
MLSDirector (3 yr) Michael Zeppieri
MLSPast President Debbie Dwyer

2000_RandallElizabeth Randall, 2000 President
2000 President Bio

President Elizabeth Randall
President Elect Sherry Street
Vice President Sheila Thunfors
Secretary Sue Patella
Treasurer Jeff Rose
Past President Joseph Carini
Director (N-1 yr) Barb Demers (Pres)
Council VP Mary Field (V. Pres.)
Director (N-2 yr) Lynne Blake
Director (C-1 yr) Charlie Sawyer (Pres.)
Council VP None (Vice Pres)
Director (C-2 yr) Debbie Dwyer
Director (C-3 yr) Sandy Drager
Director (S-1 yr) Jonathan Hankin (Pres.)
Council VP Debbie Mielke (V. Pres)
Director (S-2 yr) Elaine Steinert
Director (S-3 yr) Linda Warner
MLS President Debbie Dwyer
MLSVice President Jeff Rose
MLSSecretary Will Brinker
MLSTreasurer Dottie Pires
MLSDirector (1 yr) Eileen Taft
MLSDirector (2 yr) David Mansen
MLSDirector (3 yr) Carolyn Koch
MLSDirector (3 yr) Michael Zeppieri
MLSPast President Pam Roberts