Quick zipTip

At least once per month, we’ll post here, in the Friday REcap, a quick tip to help you navigate through zipForms more efficiently.  If you have questions about anything specific or would like to make a suggestion for a zipTip, please contact Sue.

One of the first things you should do when you begin using zipLogix is to manage your account!

On the top, right-hand side of your screen find the silhouetted head and click on it.  Here you can upload your photo or logo, make sure your email and contact information is accurate, adjust your time zone (it defaults to Greenwich Mean Time), add a signature to your outgoing email and more.  Take a few minutes to make sure all your information is accurate and appears professionally so you’ll be branded right out of the gate!

Shout out and a special thank you to Erin Candee for the cool zipTip name!