Thanks for joining us this morning, March 9, 2023 for the Legal Breakfast meeting. Here are your interactive handouts!
It’s not too late to get involved! We have several committees that are just getting underway, and several more just starting for 2023. We hope you’ll consider participating in the Board – whether on a standing committee, or signing up to get a call when special projects or groups are formed.
REALTOR Community Service Committee wants to know what events or activities you would be interested in attending this year! Tell us to help us gauge interest and allow us to narrow down the number of great ideas to a handful we can execute well!
Monthly Market Impressions: 2023 Launch of Trend Tracking. We are seeking actively engaged agents and brokers in the Berkshire marketplace to share with us their thoughts on their current market activity and their confidence in the short-term future. This data is incredibly helpful to track coming trends, rather than just market stats in the rear view mirror. It is very important to note that YOUR ANSWERS ARE CONFIDENTIAL and will not be shared outside of the staff for the sole purpose of compiling results in an aggregate.
Town Monitor Training: Open to both REALTORS and Affiliates, join us at the Board office to network and learn the most effective ways to connect with the communities we all serve. You will build your business relationships and help your board office staff keep all of our members informed on important town happenings at the same time. More details and agenda to follow for all registered attendees. Note: this program is immediately following the Government Affairs Committee meeting beginning at 1 a.m. You are welcome to attend both… but we do ask you to register for both so that we have proper seating and materials for all. Looking forward to an excellent program!
Contract & Forms Update: The contract and forms committee resubmitted all updated 01/2023 contracts to all of the forms providers to make sure all changes were made. Click the button to review the changes again (previously sent in REcap). Please MAKE SURE TO UPDATE ALL FORM TEMPLATES you use in Remine, Ziplogix, Dotloop, Docusign and/or Skyslope.
1. Removed the Income Property Rider, pending revisions.
2. Updated the Purchase and Sale Land.
3. Updated the Purchase and Sale Land Rider (Decoupled from P&S, made the Rider standalone addendum).
4. Updated the Purchase and Sale Agreement
5. Updated the Purchase and Sale Condo Addendum
6. Updated the Contact Worksheet
MAR Legal PowerPoint