Government MA Representation Changes in 2023

Beginning January 1, 2023, Massachusetts was mandated to change its House, Senate, Governor’s Council and Congressional district boundaries to accommodate shifts in population according to the US census.  As you know, our Senator is now former state rep Paul Mark, and he is now covering a much larger territory from the Berkshires into Franklin and Hampshire County. We also lost a house seat, with Representative John Barrett taking over new regions while Tricia Farley Bouvier and Smitty Pignatelli retain their current regions.

We are looking for members interested in the legislative process and how it relates to housing and want to know if you have any connections with our current legislators or local town government offices.  Specifically, we are looking for members who would be willing to connect and engage on behalf of the REALTORS with Paul Mark and John Barrett, who are currently not served by a local member. Our Government Affairs Committee is just going to be kicking off a new year at the end of January, so sign up if you are interested in serving on this committee! You can sign up in the hub or drop Sandy and email!