Interested in learning about some alternate loan options? Come to these continuing education classes to…
National Flood Insurance Program Update
Thank you to all Berkshire REALTORS who responded to the National Association of REALTORS call-to-action…
Anne Meczywor Elected MAR President-Elect in 2018
Congratulations to Anne Meczywor of Roberts & Associates Realty, Inc. in Lenox on her election…
We’re so happy to announce the addition of two beautiful babies to our REALTOR family…
Welcome New Affiliate – Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
We’re thrilled that Wells Fargo Home Mortgage has joined the Board as a basic level…
Don’t Forget: Seeking Nominations for 2018
There’s still time to nominate a colleague, or nominate yourself, for any of the several…
Coffee Break: Using Your FBS IDX for Lead Generation
How do you get visitors to your site? How do you get them to stay…
Reminder: Practice Constant Vigilance with Emails
We’ve posted several times about the need for constant vigilance when opening, reading, replying to…
With Sympathy to Michelle Brooks of Isgood
We are deeply saddened to report the passing of Michele Brooks’ sister, Anita Macchi. Michele…
No Signage Allowed in Becket Estates
Thank you, Ann Spadafora, for sharing with the Board Office an email received from the…
It’s Here! Automatic Debit / Credit Card Payment for MLS has Arrived
Brokers, you’ve been asking and our MLS Board of Directors heard you. At their August…
Flexmls Enhancement: Updated Address Search Page
On August 31, Flexmls will update the design of the Address search page. This change…
Reminder: What is Your Favorite Charitable Organization
Last Call! We’ve had SO MANY great nominations for the recipient of this year’s Chili…
With Sympathy on the passing of Dick Krzynowek
We are extremely saddened by the passing of long time member and broker of Isgood,…
2018 Dues Payment Plan
It’s not too soon to start thinking about renewal of your membership dues to the…
Flexmls August Webinars
Trainers at Flexmls are offering several webinars on various topics throughout the month of August. …
2017 2nd Quarter Market Watch
There is good news to be found in the Berkshire County Real Estate 2nd quarter…
With Sympathy
It’s with sadness we pass along that Marnie Garzone’s mother, Gail Duclos, passed away on…
Why Should I Put My Listing Under Agreement or Mark it as Pending?
We hear it often, and the MLS Board of Directors periodically reviews requests for a…
Flexmls Reminder: Lead Paint Disclosure Upload Required in MLS
Previously, we posted regarding the requirement for lead paint disclosure forms to be uploaded to…