Say goodbye to stretched photos! When viewing listings in Flexmls Web, the thumbnail photo will…
Lunch and Learn: The Appraisal Process
Hosted by NBT Bank, and held in the Board Office conference room. 2 hours of…
Construct, Inc. – Forest Springs
REALTORS attend open house at Construct’s Forest Spring housing development Located at 316 State…
MAR Webinar: How to Get the Most Out of the New Tax Law
The MA Association is hosting a webinar with Former IRS attorney, Sandy Botkin. In this…
From the Desk of Linda: Delayed Submission to the MLS
As a reminder, when a seller wishes to delay submission to the Multiple Listing Service,…
MAR Leadership Academy
Congratulations to the MAR Leadership Academy, Class of 2018, and kudos to all who invested…
Construct Open House at Forest Springs
Construct, Inc., will be hold an open house for REALTORS at their new affordable housing…
Is Free Education Really Free?
One of the member benefits that we’re so happy to provide to our Berkshire County…
Notes from the Contracts and Forms Committee
The Contracts and Forms Committee, chaired by Mark McIlquham, met on March 21st to review…
Flexmls Enhancement: Improvements for Sending Manual E-Mails
Starting April 5th on Flexmls Web, choosing whether you’d like to e-mail listings via Flexmls…
zipLogix Forms Update
Changes to functionality in zipLogix have been made to the Berkshire Lead Paint Property Transfer…
Professional Standards Tribunal Training – April 5th
Are you interested in learning more about the Code of Ethics processing of ethics complaints…
Pricing Strategy Advisor Certificate Program in the Berkshires!
We’ll be hosting the National Association of REALTORS Pricing Strategy Advisor Certificate program in the…
Flexmls Quick Tip: Opening Multiple Tabs
Did you know, if you’re in the midst of adding a new listing, doing a…
First Time Home Buyer Education: March 24th and 31st
Do you have a First Time Home Buyer who is thinking about purchasing a home…
Introduction to Flexmls, zipLogix and RPR
This class will bring you the basics of three major tools of the trade: Flexmls…
Upcoming Continuing Education
There is still room to register for our March 22nd continuing education classes. Rob Nahigian…
2018 Raffle to Benefit the Adam-Budz VFW and Murphy-Leary American Legion
Win a week stay in this Myrtle Beach SC Condo, September 22-29, 2018. Price of…
Rule Your Real Estate World With One Simple App
We know youlove real estate, but it can’t always be fun keeping all those plates …
Just How are REALTORS Using REALTOR Property Resource Anyway?
REALTOR Property Resource is a great, free, member benefit provided to you through your membership…