Q. I’ve heard that Facebook is under a lot of scrutiny lately for enabling housing…
Professional Standards: Case Interpretation Article 2
Each month, we’ll provide you with a case interpretation of an Article from the Code…
Are You Getting the Most Out of RPR?
REALTOR Property Resource is one of the most power member benefit tools that you have…
In Memory of Attorney Phil Heller
We are deeply saddened to share that local real estate attorney, Philip Heller, passed away…
Memorial Day – Office Closed
On this day, we honor all American veterans who gave their all in the ultimate…
Member Value Plus | National Association of REALTORS
Your Action: Be an MVP when you Sign Up for the MVP eNewsletter Your Reward: …
zipForm Plus and REALTOR Property Resource Partnership
zipForm Plus and REALTOR Property Resource have formed a partnership, allowing REALTOR members to benefit…
Active, Under Agreement, Pending…How do they Translate?
It’s getting to be that time of year again, where we see listings going under…
Realtor.com rolls out their Content Corner
Realtor.com announced at the Washington Mid-Year meeting, that they have created a website of content…
Save the Date: Battle of the Bartenders, Chili Cookoff and more!
The REACT Committee, chaired by Mary Jane Dunlop, has been hard at work planning and…
REALTOR Day on Beacon Hill – June 7, 2018
Join the REALTOR Party ride going to Boston for a day of fun and information. …
Notes from the MAR Legal Hotline: Presented Offers & DCMA
Legal counsel at the Mass Association share notes from calls they’ve received through the legal…
zipLogix Quick Tip
As the selling season gears up, we’ve been fielding the question of adding $0 or…
Upcoming Flexmls Training Webinars
Whether a new REALTOR or an experienced REALTOR, we frequently hear that there is so…
June Classroom Continuing Education
Note new date… JUNE 20TH Coming on June 20th in the Board Office Conference Room:…
Professional Standards: Case Interpretation – Article 1
Each week, we’ll provide you with a case interpretation of an Article from the Code…
zipLogix: Templates, Task Management & Checklists
Are you taking advantage of how easy it is to build templates, manage tasks and…
May Mid-Year Meeting – NAR Legislative Meetings: May 14-19
The REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo is where members take an active role to…
Live CE – April & May
The Board Office is offering several 2 hour credit continuing education programs over the course…
April is Fair Housing Month
50th Anniversary of the Fair Housing Act In 2018 the National Association of REALTORS® will join…