Mary-Jane Dalmaso, of Century 21 Harold Dupee, REALTORS® in North Adams has been chosen the 2004 Berkshire County REALTOR® of the Year. Nominated and chosen by her colleagues, Mary-Jane is being honored for her commitment to civic-minded leadership in both the REALTOR® organization and

in the Berkshire community.
Mary-Jane is most recognized among her peers for her commitment to education and business leadership in the REALTOR® organization and her dedication to the Code of Ethics process. She has served as a hearing panelist and chairperson of ethics and arbitration tribunals both locally and as an appointed member of the Massachusetts Association of REALTORS® Professional Standards Committee.
“I am always willing to serve in any capacity for which I am qualified, at any time, for the benefit of our Board and MLS.”
Most recently, Mary Jane has served as President of the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) corporation, which provides database listing services for all REALTORS® in Berkshire County, and provides and on-line advertising display of Berkshire properties for sale or lease. She was instrumental in the selection of the database system used, monitoring the rules and regulations relaed to membership and maintaining financial stability of the organization. Mary Jane has chaired the Finance Committees for both the Board of REALTORS® and the Multiple Listing Service and has actively served on the Board of Directors of the organization since 1986.
In addition to her duties as part of the elected, volunteer leadership, she also serves on the Contracts & Forms Committee, the Fields Task Force, as a Continuing Education Moderator and New Member Orientation Instructor.
Mary Jane is an active member of the Government Affairs Committee and was selected to represent the Board of REALTORS® in political action matters on Beacon Hill in Boston and on Capitol Hill in Washington DC. In these capacities, Mary Jane met with our state and federal legislators to discuss homeownership issues, private property rights and proposed smart growth development legislation.
“It has been so rewarding to meet with our legislators at REALTOR Day on Beacon Hill and when in Washington for the mid-year meetings. Dan Bosely from my area has been such a fantastic legislator that I was thrilled to be chosen, with our incoming President Lynne Blake, to go to Boston to present our Mass RPAC funds to him this year…”
Professionally, Mary-Jane advanced her career by completing many different types of educational opportunities, through which she has earned her Certified Residential Specialist (CRS), Certified Residential Brokerage Mangers (CRB) and Accredited Buyer Representative (ABR) designations, in addition to having completed her Graduate REALTOR® Institute (GRI) Designation and the National “At Home with Diversity” program. She is a member of the Council of Residential Specialists, Council of Real Estate Brokerage Managers and Real Estate Buyer Agents Council.
Additionally, Mary-Jane is a licensed broker in both Massachusetts and Vermont and is a state certified licensed real estate instructor. Mary Jane devotes her skills for the Board’s REALTOR® Orientation program, where she teaches trust deed eligibility and MLS issues while she serves as an education moderator for continuing education classes. She operates the Career School of Real Estate for prelicensing through Century 21 Harold Dupee, REALTORS.
In the northern Berkshire community, Mary-Jane is a Secretary Member of the North Adams Historical Commission, as appointed by the Mayor, has been a corporator of North Adams Regional Hospital and South Adams Savings Bank and is an active communicant of St. John’s Episcopal church. She holds membership in the Berkshire Chamber of Commerce and co-hosts a weekly radio show aired on WNAW 1230 AM about real estate and homeownership.
18 Month History of Service
Berkshire REALTORS Volunteer Activity:
- Member, Berkshire County Board of REALTORS® – 1983 to Present
- Participant, Berkshire County Multiple Listing Service – 1992- Present
- President, Berkshire County Multiple Listing Service, Inc.- 2003 & 1991
- Officer, Multiple Listing Service Board of Directors – 1986 – 1992, 2001- Present
- Treasurer, Berkshire County Board of REALTORS® – 1996 & 1997
- Member, Professional Standards Committee – 1995 to Present
- Chair, Professional Standards Tribunal Hearing Panels
- Member (Chair 1996, 1997) Finance Committee, Berkshire County Board of REALTORS® -1989, 1991, 1996-1998, 2002-2003
- Member (Chair 2003) Finance Committee, Berkshire County MLS – 1989, 1991, 1996-1998, 2002-2003
- Member, Contracts & Forms Committee – 2001 to Present
- Member, MLS Fields Task Force – 2004
- Member, Government Affairs Committee – 2003 to Present
- Moderator, Continuing Education Committee – 2000 to Present
- Instructor, New Member Orientation – 2003 to Present
- Licensed and Practicing in Massachusetts and Southern Vermont
Massachusetts Association of REALTORS Activity:
- Attendee of MAR sponsored seminars and education programs
- Participant, REALTOR® Day on Beacon Hill – 2003, 2004
- Member, MAR Professional Standards Committee – 2003, 2004
- Representative for Berkshire County in MAR’s RPAC distribution to Representative Daniel Bosley at his fundraiser in Boston in
- Designated Graduate REALTOR® Institute (GRI)
National Association of REALTORS Activity:
- Attended National Association of REALTORS® Conventions
- Attended the 2003 Mid-Year Conference in Washington, D.C.,
- Participated in REALTOR® Day on Capital Hill visits with elected officials in Washington.
- Received the CRS, CRB, and ABR designations
- Completed NAR’s “At Home with Diversity” Program
- Member of the Council of Residential Specialists
- Member of the Council of Real Estate Brokerage Managers
- Member of REBAC.
Civic Affairs:
- Member, Berkshire Chamber of Commerce
- Corporator, South Adams Savings Bank
- Former Corporator, North Adams Regional Hospital
- Member, North Adams Historical Society
- Secretary/Member, North Adams Historical Commission
(Mayoral appointment, since 1986) - Active member, St. John’s Episcopal Church, North Adams; served as Junior Warden in 2002 and 2003; Lay Reader, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Altar Guild Member, Building Committee Member, and serve on various task forces as needed.
Business accomplishments:
In the early 1980’s Mary Jane began her career as a part-time sales associate with Isgood Realty. She attended a forum sponsored by the Berkshire County Board of REALTORS®, at which Debbie Dwyer and Al Robertson presented and explained new MLS forms and was inspired by both of them to become active in the Board of REALTORS® and MLS.
In 1985, Harold Dupee presented Mary-Jane with the opportunity to become a partner in Century 21 Harold Dupee, REALTORS®. She had already earned the GRI designation and obtained her Vermont Salesman’s license and Massachusetts Real Estate Broker’s license while pursuing activities in the Berkshire Board and MLS and started work on obtaining a Vermont Broker’s license and CRS designation. Mary-Jane also took courses offered by Century 21, including management and relocation courses. She has since become Designated REALTOR® for and President of Century 21 Harold Dupee, REALTORS®,. Along with Harold Dupee and Frances V. Buckley, Mary-Jane started a real estate prelicense school called Career School of Real Estate, and serves as a Massachusetts Licensed Instructor. They currently have 21 sales associates in their company, and are a leading agency in listings and sales in Northern Berkshire.
Mary-Jane and Fran Buckley have co-hosted a weekly radio show called CENTURY 21 HAROLD DUPEE, REALTORS, TALKS REAL ESTATE, aired on WNAW, 1230 AM, on Saturday mornings at 8 a.m., since March, 1986. Most of the topics are about real estate and our programs have featured information about preparing your home for sale, the selling process, the home buyer process, financing, home inspections, lead paint issues, seller disclosures, the difference between a real estate licensee and a REALTOR®, and the Code of Ethics.
Guests have included home inspectors, lead inspectors, pest inspectors, mortgage brokers, lenders and bankers, attorneys, title company representatives, Registers of Deeds, insurance agents, surveyors, Title 5 Inspectors, municipal employees, such as assessors, tax collectors, health inspectors, building inspectors, and fire safety personnel. From the community service prospective, guests have included directors of Offices of Community Development, officials of the Hoosic River Watershed Association, ambulance service managers, Neighborhood Coalition Organizers, Elder Services and Shine representatives, and elected officials, including State Representative Daniel Bosley.
Mary Jane in Action…