There are four types of ways you will see an agent listed in the FlexMLS database, if not a standard member-to-member co-broke transaction
- Non-Member: NEW A basic category for sales that had a co-broke agent that is not a member of the Berkshire MLS.
- Reciprocal Listing: What used to be “Non-member Reciprocal”, this is now only for listings entered by REALTORS in neighboring MLSs who share reciprocity – the ability to enter a listing without having to hold full participation
- Comparable Sale Only: For those sales that took place outside of the MLS; One side must be comparable sales and the other side can be the submitting agent, since all other sales would either be listed in the MLS, in-house or with an unrepresented seller .
- No Agent / Unrepresented: NEW For those sales that take place when one side of the transaction does not have a fiduciary representative. This is an important option when reporting a listing pending/sale.