Thanks to Realtor Christina Conroy of the Berkshires For Sale, for sending in a Town Monitor report for Lanesborough. The tax rate is increasing by $1.23 per $1,000 of assessed property valued. The town is continuing with a single tax rate and that is resulting in an increase to $22.63 per $1,000 of assessed value, up from $21.40 per thousand. For the average single-family home, the increase will be $350 per year. Assessor Kelly Tolisano said the town has seen little growth and property values have remained fairly level this year. The town approved $11.3 million in spending, $8.9 million of which is to come from property taxes. Link to Eagle Article | Link to iBerkshire Article. In addition, there is a solar project planned that could impact some residential homes in Lanesborough. As more information on that project comes out, she will keep us informed. Thank you, Christina!