Yesterday, from my window at work, I was witness to a truly heart warming event. I saw throngs of people standing in line, coming and going, in the most peaceful way. I just had to find out what was happening and so I looked to social media. It only took me a very quick moment to find the answer I was looking for. The Giving Garden, in conjunction with the South Congregational Church provided 1400 complete Thanksgiving dinners to families in crisis.

You may remember the Giving Garden story this summer of the butternut squash heist that took place. 500 lbs of butternut squash was stolen during the night from the gardens on Valentine Road. Some very wonderful, local farmers stepped up and replaced it 10-fold. You see, the Giving Garden provides fresh vegetables to local food pantries so those who are in need can have some delicious, nutritional fresh produce during the growing seasons.

This growing season has just ended, but the amazing people who run the Giving Garden are already thinking about next year. They are looking for seed money, quite literally, money for the seeds to plant next Spring. Our REACT committee reached out and provided a $300 donation today from the proceeds raised during our ‘red hot raffles’ at the Annual meeting. This is a gift that keeps on giving through the Spring, Summer and Fall as fresh produce is provided to local food pantries, and these are the heart-warming effects – the seeds of hope – that we are all able to plant. On behalf of the REACT committee we thank you, thank you, thank you for your support.
The Giving Garden is looking to raise $2500 for seed purchase and they have a long way to go to reach that goal. If you’d like to support them in their efforts, please consider making a donation on their GoFundMe page by clicking here. Any amount is greatly appreciated by The Giving Garden. Just a few dollars can buy some much needed seeds and the benefits reaped are priceless.
To make your garden look more beautiful, here is the list of good chipper shredders that you can buy after comparing residential or commercial use to revive your lawns by disposing of the lawn debris more efficiently.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sue, Sandy & Kim
(Related article: Call and schedule an appointment with a tree service firm to get the right tree care in 10023)
photos provided courtesy of The Giving Garden – please follow them on their Facebook Page:
Garden maintenance: Home & Garden HQ UK.