Sweet Superlative Awards

We opened the awards floodgate to offer an oppounity, for an event sponsor to recognize someone of their choosing with a sweet superlative award. And, we raised enough money for very nice free drink tickets! (check out the award displays here!)

  • SNICKERS AWARD: No one tells great stories? No Snickers, no whoppers. We put a mirror up because you are all very funny and have the whopper stories to prove it!
  • ALMOND JOY AWARD: Spreads joy: Margaret Apkin, always a friendly face a the registration desk!
  • BABY RUTH AWARD: Super athletic: Cortney Dupont – Not only athletic, but a coach for years
  • CARAMELLO AWARD: Mellow and easy-going: Erin Scott, anyone that knows Erin knows she goes with the flow
  • HOT TAMALES AWARD: Spicy personality: Kelly Perrault, hot stuff always winning big
  • LIFESAVERS AWARD: Always helping someone in need: Jose Larios – Huge community outreach supporter and just accepted the Diversity chair
  • M&M AWARD: Always well dressed: Mary Jo Piretti , duh look at her
  • GOBSTOPPER AWARD: Best shoes: Victoria Ross. Of course!
  • SKITTLES AWARD: Non-stop talker Tim Johnson, do not give this man the microphone
  • SWEET & Sassy AWARD: Both sweet and sassy: Natalie Rose takes the cake on this one.