Super Duper Important Reminders

Be a superhero for your client, and always put their needs first. It’s your duty – undivided loyalty is one of the OLD CAR fiduciary duties you must provide but also, obedience, disclosure, confidentiality, accountability and reasonable care and diligence. 

What does it mean for a REALTOR® to act in a SELLER’s best interest? A REALTOR® should explain to their seller the benefits and costs of the various types of marketing that can
be done for a listing, and how potential buyers might respond to such marketing. A REALTOR® is ethically prohibited from telling a seller that their home will be hidden from
buyers unless the seller pays a particular type or amount of compensation.

What is wrongful “steering”? The REALTOR® Code of Ethics prohibits “steering” buyers toward homes because the REALTOR® will be paid more, or away from homes because the
REALTOR® will be paid less. Similarly, the REALTOR® Code of Ethics prohibits a REALTOR® from telling a seller that buyers will be “steered” toward homes because the REALTOR® will
be paid more, or away from homes because the REALTOR® will be paid less.