Thanks to a fantastic Showing Services Taskforce, we are on the way to implementing integration into FlexMLS with the Homesnap Showing options, that will be available to you at no cost with the Homesnap Pro feature we provide to you as an MLS benefit. After testing several different programs over the course of a month at the end of 2021, the group agreed that the product and integration of the Homesnap Showing Service would be a great way for the Berkshire’s to launch our first MLS-wide electronic showing service. (Use always depends on the listing agent opting in and according to the rules they create!) In addition to this integration, Homesnap will be adding more integration with Flex data to allow you easy access to update and view and send listings while on the road. Don’t forget, many MLS’s across the country use Homesnap as their only mobile option! We look forward to a full launch in March, so stay tuned for this new tool that can help save you time in the busy spring! Shout out to those who were on the workgroup: Susan Colvin, Cortney Dupont, Cory Evangelisto, Pauline Green, Michael Hernandez, Maria Liccardi, Robin Moore, Pamela Roberts, Lori Rose, Tonia Scalise and Eric Steuernagle.