Poll Results

Past BerkshireREALTOR Poll Results:

Out of over 1,000 homes actively listed in the MLS that were built before 1978, only 575 have lead paint forms uploaded to the listing. We've had numerous complaints that the seller’s agent hasn’t provided this completed form (required before P&S) and is holding up the offer process. Do you believe that we should…

Since the Ziplogx now has free signature capabilities, have you...

The FlexMLS system currently allows access to Berkshire contracts. Would you use any of MAR's forms in the FlexMLS system instead of on Ziplogix?

Many have asked that the P&S Contact Worksheet we give to lenders and attorneys before a closing be modified to include the buyer and seller's phone number and email address. What do you think?
85 votes

Would you be interested in obtaining your 2-day Green Designation?

This year we enter our 75th year as a REALTOR Association. How should we honor and celebrate that milestone?
73 votes