As we’ve been explaining, it’s time to remember all of those wonderful safety precautions you put into place at the start of COVID and get back to it! Also, in case you missed it, the Tri Town Health District of Lee, Lenox and Stockbridge issued a new directive for those towns that now requires appropriate CDC approved masks or face coverings to be worn in all indoor spaces, unless seated at a table consuming food and/or drink. A sign shall be posted at the entrance of all buildings (go to for a sample). Among other directives, food establishments now require employees to wear a mask or face covering when serving customers, both indoors and outdoors. They also now require masks in crowded outdoor public events, and where physical
distancing, of at least six feet or more, cannot be maintained. Event planners and or any organizations shall consider postponement of any outdoor or indoor event/gathering where social distancing of a minimum of 6 feet per person cannot be maintained.