Jose Larios Named 2024 Good Neighbor Award Recipient

CEO Sandy Carroll was honored to announce the 2024 Berkshire Good Neighbor…. Jose Larios of Lamacchia Realty, for all of his community work.  Jose works with so many local organizations on financial literacy, but he especially works hard to make sure that people at transitional stages in life. He first inspires people to dream of a better life, and then teaches them the ways they can work to achieve those dreams.

As our DEI Chair, he created ‘Community Voices’ – gathering people to share their real-life real estate perspectives including LGBTQ+, elder, disabled, Latino, black and other minority citizens facing housing challenges. Many tears were shed in our DEI meetings when hearing about experiences faced by marginalized populations when seeking housing in the Berkshires.  But it’s his work in education and his efforts in Guatemala that really inspire, so here are Sandy’s words from his application for the Massachusetts Good Neighbor award…

“Never look down on someone unless you’re lifting them up…” that is Jose’s guiding principle. His charitable work spans both Berkshire County and his native Guatemala. His path to the Berkshires was fraught with challenges but it was his bravery, hard work and passion for serving others that brought about opportunity in his life. Ask Jose how he made it through the darker times, and he will tell you with a smile, “We are architects of our own destiny, I believe this. I can create a good life and I share my story so others can believe it too.”

As an active Spanish-speaking community leader, when Jose entered real estate, (prior he worked with disabled and autistic adults) he immediately saw challenges with money management and the home buying process for much of our minority population. “The bank said no, but I don’t know why”, was something he heard time and again. He found his passion to educate on financial literacy!

He took the Freddie Mac Credit Smart Certification and became a Pathway to Homeownership specialist. He personally immersed himself in the Dave Ramsey financial program to get out of debit and learn about calculated savings and investment. These lessons allowed him to become a leading community resource on financial literacy, speaking not from a book but from personal experience. He stands as an immigrant who has worked hard for the American dream and is a successful businessman, homeowner, and now completely debt-free except for his mortgage. (and proud Papa of his daughter at UMass studying Business Administration)

A compelling speaker and mentor in both English and Spanish, he sought by organizations helping people in times of transition find a better path – he inspires while educating. Always at the top of his class whether in Guatemala or here, he understands learning is the pathway to freedom. As a young boy he would walk barefoot 6 hours with his family farm’s produce and firewood strapped to his back to sell in the city – all the while looking up at airplane clouds in the sky and dreaming of a different life – yet he still returns to Guatemala to visit his mother and is generous with the orphanage where he resided for several years during the civil war, delivers groceries to those in need, helps the poor in his village with medication, surgery or life changing assistance, and supports an ecological radio program teaching about environmental protection of Guatemala’s natural assets.

You will see him picking up trash several days a week and beautifying Lanesborough to make his corner of the world a better place, is a volunteer / fundraiser for Sant Mark’s Church, participates and sponsors many community events and is an active volunteer in our committees as well.

He inspires real action. He makes us all strive to be better. Please join us in congratulating Jose Larios for being chosen Berkshire 2024 Berkshire Good Neighbor.  We also presented a donation of $250 to Dr. Bile of the Choices Mentoring Initiative for the NAACP youth in his honor.