We need your help in two ways – we are building a “Berkshire Basket” to donate to the MAR Charitable Foundation to raffle off for their Housing Grant program. We have taken advantage of this fund many times to help support Berkshire non-profits that are working so hard to provide housing to a vulnerable population. Do you have something to “Berkshirey” contribute? This could be non-perishable food items made here, clothing or hats with our logo, (smallish) artwork from a Berkshire artisan, gift certificates to local establishments including overnight accommodations, anything that would get Realtors from other parts of the state bidding to win our basket. Secondly, please consider nominating a local not-for-profit that is working to help prevent homelessness or improve housing in Berkshire county. Nominate a charity or let us know you can contribute to the basket by sending an email to Sue@BerkshireRealtors.org