The REALTOR Community Service Committee is at it again! Join us to help stock Berkshire County food pantries on October 18, 2024 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM (EDT)- held at K&M Bowling, 555 Dalton Ave, Pittsfield from 7-9 for a fun, fun event! Sponsors are needed to make this a success and last year we were able to have a great time for a great cause. The committee would like to make sure food pantries throughout the region, even the small town programs, have enough as the cold weather and holiday season approaches. While it’s great to get food donations, we know cash can go a long way for these groups that have connections with local grocery stores. Grab a team, grab a costume and register ($30 per person, spectators $15). Be a Major Event Sponsor ($500) a Haunted Cash & Scratch Tree Raffle sponsor ($100) or Sponsor a Lane ($250). Register or donate here Thank you!