Grant Received – Regional Housing Study

Thank you to the Massachusetts Association of REALTORS for providing a $5000 grant toward a Berkshire County Regional Housing Study.  The Regional Housing Authority was in contact with our board to request participation in this study and our Board of Directors approved the expenditure.  MAR’s government affairs committee recommended approval of the grant, which has been awarded.  This is a compressive regional housing study that examines our unprecedented housing issues and, it’s anticipated, to lead to more expeditious and thoughtful deployment of the anticipated bond bill resources from the state to the Berkshires.

Study Summary (provided by Brad Gordon of the Regional Housing Authority)

The study will include updated economic considerations related to housing in the four counties of Western MA. It will build off the baseline set by the first regional housing study (2021-22). It will incorporate updated key metrics and trends in the housing market and a deeper dive into local and regional economic contributions related to housing. It is more than educational and raising the profile of an important regional crisis—it provides the data and steps required to move forward. The plan will be updated every 4 years.

Report components will be designed to be accessible to all stakeholders: easy to scan, understand, and put into action. The more accessible the information, the more valuable it becomes. Components will include:

  • Final report (printable PDF): Full and comprehensive report complete with all findings and data.
  • User-friendly overview (printable PDF): An accessible and clear summary that enhances readability, increases understanding, and makes information accessible and actionable.
  • Data-Driven Microsite: Digital dynamic dashboards visualize and share information publicly.
  • Toolkit that officials and housing advocates could use to understand select housing-related economic issues and benefits relevant to their municipalities.

Study Importance & Use

We anticipate that this report will be very popular and get a lot of use, like the last one. As the region’s first such report, the 2021-22 Report is a quantitative benchmark of regional housing needs and is used widely to inform and plan. Cities, the Housing Trust Fund, and the Western MA Housing Coalition—to name a few—have cited the report to advance housing and related legislation (e.g., Housing Bond Bill). The previous report has been cited in the media at least 20 times. The new report will heavily inform the upcoming statewide housing plan.

Sponsorship & Marketing Opportunities

Because of the report’s importance, Way Finders is developing a robust public relations plan to include digital and traditional media, newsletters and mailing, and various events targeting different interest groups throughout the region including Berkshire County.