Please join us for two different CE opportunities in February!
EVENING Webinar: Investment Property Basics – RE29RC07 – February 5th 6:00-8:00 p.m.: Instructors: Sandy Carroll and Peter West
The Investment Property Basics program is a great introduction to investment real estate for those who are not familiar with the market, or who need a refresher on these important topics:
- Valuation
- Measuring Investment Performance
- Band of Investment Approach
- Negotiation Bumps or Rent Increases
- Elements and Economic Variables to Value
Our instructors will delve into these topics and provide some Massachusetts case study that will be sure to sharpen your skill. This is an online class that requires per-registration in order to receive your log in credentials. 2 hours long, offering 2 continuing education credits.
Brought to Berkshire REALTORS free, and at a drastically reduced rate of $10 for non-Berkshire members, by our generous sponsor:

South County Classroom: Financing – RE25RC08: February 20 10:00 a.m. – Noon Instructor: Bonnie Masefield
We’re thrilled to bring Bonnie Masefield, loan originator at Lee Bank, in to share with you all the important information you need to know about Financing in a real estate transaction. This course is designed for real estate brokers and salespersons and provides a comprehensive overview of the application, procedures and mentality regarding mortgage financing in general.
Bonnie will discuss topics, such as:
- Loan origination from initiation of process until disbursement of funds
- The primary loan application
- Loan package / application
- Types of loans
- Terms of loans
- Disbursement of funds / closing
- Sources of financing
- Primary Market
- One to four dwelling unit owner occupied residential
Please note: This class will be held in Great Barrington at the Great Barrington Fire Station, located at 37 State Road.
Brought to Berkshire REALTORS free, and at a drastically reduced rate of $30 for non-Berkshire members, by our generous sponsor: