REACT Committee Chair, Paula McLean, kicked off her first meeting today, January 23, 2014. We had a nice turnout of members around the table who are looking to give back to the community through charitable causes. First, they reviewed the current mission statement to ensure that the endeavors of the upcoming year fit, and agreed that there should be an amendment that will be brought to the Board of Directors at their February meeting for approval. The statement, with an amendment is shown below:
Mission: To identify and support housing related charitable causes that upgrade the quality of life in communities through the Board’s jurisdiction throughout the Berkshires, as evidence of REALTOR’s concern for the total well being of the community.
The Committee wants to move forward and provide an easily accessible way for anyone who wants to participate but cannot travel into Pittsfield for a meeting. They’re going to research opening meetings up by Skype or teleconference. More info will be coming on that. In that vein, they’re very interested in including all regions of the County in participation and in benefiting from the events planned. Its the hope of the committee that some North and South County meetings can take place, hosted by members in those areas and that there will be great input on how the committee can be effective.
With the cold snap hitting the Berkshires, committee members are hoping to hit the ground running with some fundraising that will assist local homeless shelters and food pantries. Look for our own Mark Harris to appeal to you via a motivating video soon!
There will be 3 or 4 fun filled events that should inspire all of us to Pay it Forward in 2014. Look for the Relay for Life in June, and the Chili Cook-off on October 17th at the Berkshire Hills Country Club. We’ll also be sponsoring a Meal for the Needy in October and are hoping that you will provide us with input on other opportunities. We’re in the thought process of how we can combine educational info on Right to Farm in conjunction with the 4-H and a cow patty bingo event! Help us to think outside the box for some innovative ways to give back to the Community that provides for us.
The next meeting of REACT will be February 27th at Noon at the Board Office. This will be a brown bag lunch meeting, so bring your lunch, bring your ideas and join in the fun! If you’re unable to attend but would like to connect with Paula, please email her.