We DID it! We now have a win for energy efficiency AND for homeowners. Last week, the Massachusetts Senate debated and passed S.2545 An Act to promote a clean energy future. Realtors were able to successfully educate our legislators on the dire impact that mandatory energy audits and home energy scores before a home could be listed for sale would have. They listened. The bill does not include mandatory scoring before home-sale, but does raise renewable portfolio standards, lifts the cap on solar net metering, authorizes additional hydropower and offshore wind procurement, establishes market-based greenhouse-gas emission limits, and implements statewide energy storage goals. Thanks to all the Realtors® who recently attended Realtor® Day on Beacon Hill to voice their concerns about this bill with their legislators. They gave of their time and energy for you and it paid off! Franz Forster, Billy Keane, Barb Hassan and Cortney Dupont, as well as our SPC’s who have been working with our legislators behind the scenes, Anne Meczywor, Steve Ray, Al Marden and Past President Church Davis.