Did you know there is a feature in FlexMLS that will allow you to add your broker’s and/or seller’s signature at the bottom of the listing sheet. This is very helpful for obtaining approval from your seller as to the content that will appear on their listing, and can then be saved in your files as proof that they have approved the listing.
The steps are very simple. You’ll start by going to the normal ADD feature in FlexMLS. BUT, before saving the listing and creating a MLS#, you can save the listing as INCOMPLETE. Then, go the MY INCOMPLETE menu option (found under ADD/CHANGE), select the listing you’d like to print, and click on print:
You’ll be brought to a new screen that will provide you with options on the left hand side, for the listing sheet that you want to send, and options in the middle for whether you want private/public or both and whether you want to add broker’s signature/sellers’ signatures or both and whether you want to print or email the listing sheet.
The listing sheet will display with the signature line(s) and a date line(s)…what a handy, dandy tool!!