CubiCasa Floor Plans

Some real estate facts:

  • Floor plan is the single most desired data asset on a listing by consumers, after standard photos and listing data (2021 NAR Homebuyers and Sellers Survey).
  • 81% of consumers agree they’re more likely to view a home if the listing includes a floor plan they like (2021 Zillow Consumer Housing Trends).
The Berkshire MLS has an agreement with CubiCasa to provide this service to MLS members at no or very low cost.   Try it today on your own house and within 24 hours you will receive an email with your floor plan (with room dimensions).

Make sure to redeem your first scan! Your 1st CubiCasa order will include all these features at no-cost:

Here are 3 easy steps:

  • First, you scan the property in 5-10 min (depending on the size of property)
  • Second, you upload your scan
  • Lastly, you receive your first floor plan within hours.

Want to try something even more fancy? CubiCasa also has add ons such as 3D video renders, 3D floor plans, fixed furniture, digital GLA, and rush delivery. Learn more about all the features here.

With more properties expected onto the market, this will give you a competitive edge. Plus, as we all know sometimes a property is not always in the best shape. CubiCasa 3D video renders can help you even if you have a cluttered property or vacant listing. You can see some examples here:

Utilizing the CubiCasa app for floor plans and 3D products will help you showcase the full potential of the house to both buyers and asset managers.

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