You can view our whole calendar of events to see committee and member meetings and to view or register for continuing education classes. Below is a breakdown of our continuing education programs, by month, for the remainder of 2019:
Classroom – September 26th:
9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Technology and Real Estate Brokerage: Sandy Carroll will give you an in-depth and interesting overview of how to stay compliant with Rules & Regulations, Code of Ethics and License Law when advertising on line, how to minimize your risk exposure and great tips for all those social media sites.
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Real Estate Brokerage Professional Ethics: Sue O’Brien presents the ins-and-outs of the Code of Ethics and processing of Professional Standards complaints in this interactive class. This class provides CE credit and complies with the NAR regulation for training every two-years. Please note: Class is 2 1/2 hours long.
Webinar – September 30th:
10:00 a.m. – noon. Understanding Title and Title Concerns: Join Register of Deeds, Patsy Harris in this instructional conversation on Understanding Title and Tile Concerns. She’ll cover topics such as types of titles, ‘clouds’ on title, discovery, heirs, liens and more. This is an interactive webinar where you can ask your questions and have them answered by an expert in the field.
Webinar – October 21st:
10:00 a.m. – noon. Antitrust: Board Legal Counsel, Michael Shepard, will join us in this interactive webinar as we discuss the subject matter of antitrust. We’ll review Antitrust Laws, the four most common antitrust real estate violations, and how to keep yourself out of hot water; the three elements to antitrust violations, enforcement and more.
Webinar – November 15th:
10:00 a.m. – noon. Property Assessments, Valuation and Taxation: In this interactive webinar we bring field expert, Paula King, chair of the Board of Assessors in Pittfield in to converse with us about Property Assessments, Valuation and Taxation. She will cover topics such as Property Taxes: Budget, Municipal Revenue, Personal Property Tax, Community Preservation Tax and Assessments & Valuations: Board of Assessors, Mass appraisals, GIS & Mapping, Property Depreciation and more.
Classroom – November 18th:
9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Environmental Issues: The Environmental Issues class provides an overview on all of the major environmental issues in a real estate transaction. We’ll cover topics ranging from Lead Paint to Wetlands Protection to Underground Storage tanks and more.
11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Selling the Sun: Selling the Sun is an overview of information real estate agents need to address solar photovoltaics (PV) in the residential real estate transaction. Topics include the rapidly emerging residential solar PV market, a breakdown of how the technology works, and resources you need to value solar PV and explain the value to your sellers and buyers. A snapshot of what a successful sale of a home with solar looks like – a home that has an owned solar PV system and a home that has a solar PV system that is leased by a third party. You will be able to identify what success looks like and how to get there.
Our instructor is Robin Brodsky. Robin is new to the Berkshires but not to real estate or to teaching. Her background pre-real estate is in the Environmental world. She holds a Masters Degree in Environmental Management and Policy from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and spent over a decade working with environmental issues for both public and private sector institutions.
Webinar – December 9th:
10:00 a.m. – noon: Overview of Insurance in the Residential Real Estate Transaction: Join Sandy Carroll, Sue O’Brien, and field expert, Greg Viner of Cross Agency as we converse about Insurance in the Real Estate transaction. Greg will share his expertise on the insurance policy, insurers, types of insurance related to the real estate transaction, replacement cost vs. market value plus more. This is an interactive webinar with the ability to ask questions throughout.