Calling all REALTORS interested in attending our March 28th Commercial continuing education classes… attendance is low and we’ll have to cancel by March 25th without additional registrations. If you plan to go, please don’t wait until the last minute! Please, register NOW!
Investment Real Estate Cash Flow Analysis – RE68C11
March 28 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Rob Nahigian will discuss cash flow and the cash flow worksheet; non-operating expenses; estimating taxable income and more. This course is geared to the advanced investment commercial broker or for the residential broker representing investors on the purchase or disposition of investment real estate. Material covered includes a cash flow analysis for rental structures beyond a 1-year term and establishing an opinion of value for a seller or buyer based on discounted cash flow value. Please make sure you bring a calculator that can do advanced functions (many phone apps can, but make sure to check before hand!) 2 hours of CE credit provided. Free for Berkshire Realtors, $20 for all others.
Commercial Space: Methods to Measure & Impact on Rent #RE100C17
March 28 @ 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Get up off of that chair! This class will have you learning about the process for measuring space with hands-on practice. The course is directed to the beginning residential and/or commercial real estate broker to help explain the differences in the methods of measuring space and the determination of annual rent. There is no legal standardization for measuring commercial space that can lead to confusion and misunderstanding with commercial tenants. The space measurement is also a direct correlation to how annual rent is determined that can be misunderstanding to a tenant. This course is an overview to the real estate agent that exposes him/her to various methods to measure space and how to better communicate with tenants what the tenant is paying and receiving for commercial properties. This topic is often a confusing issue to a consumer end-users in reaching a real estate decision.
Please make sure you bring a calculator that can do advanced functions (many phone apps can, but make sure to check before hand!) 2 hours of CE credit provided. Free for Berkshire Realtors, $20 for all others. Call or register online: