Call to Action: Say No to Transfer Taxes on Homes!

The Senate is currently considering a bill that will allow for a transfer tax on homes. With limited time left in our legislative session, we need to make sure they understand the dire consequences this policy will have for our industry and housing in Massachusetts. This would harm the state, its economy, and your business.

Please take action now to show your Senator your opposition to taxes that strip homeowner equity and worsen our severe inventory shortage.

As the email to Legislators explains, communities seeking these taxes have blocked housing development and refused available affordable housing funding for decades. Instead of righting these wrongs through existing funding mechanisms and zoning reforms, they want new taxes that protect the status quo, drive down inventory and prevent housing diversity and inclusivity.

Take action now by sending an email to your Senator (link contains a generic email or you can craft your own). Your participation is essential to preventing these harmful laws.

Questions? Contact Justin Davidson, MAR General Counsel & Director of Government Affairs.