Board / MLS Annual Meeting – Register Now!

Just a reminder if you haven’t registered yet, we’d love to see you.

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024
Country Club of Pittsfield
639 South Street | Pittsfield, MA 01201
Breakfast / Doors @ 8:30 a.m.
Meeting Starts @ 9:00 a.m. (ish)

You are cordially invited to a business buffet breakfast at the Country Club of Pittsfield for a state of the REALTOR association and MLS update. It’s been quite a challenging year for all, and one for the record books. The REALTOR® Association report and voting issues will be held first, followed a call to order for the MLS meeting and presentation of the MLS report and participant voting issues.

We were fortunate to have many existing board members and committee volunteers step forward for consideration for a position on the Board and/or MLS this year.  While the nominating committees couldn’t tap everyone who volunteered, they did honor past service and balanced representation. At this time, there is only the election of officers and directors on the ballot for this meeting. We will also present a state of the Board and MLS update and the 2025 budgets. Proposed slates – Those in blue are up for election, those without highlight have unexpired terms:

2025 Proposed Board of REALTORS Slate of Officers and Directors to be voted on by REALTOR Members: In accordance with Article XI, Section 4 of the Bylaws of the Berkshire County Board of REALTORS the Nominating Committee, chaired by Past President Jason Nocher, considered those who volunteered for service or are currently serving, and are pleased to present the following proposed slate of officers and directors.

2025 Proposed Multiple Listing Service Slate of Officers and Directors to be voted on by MLS Participants as well (one per office): In accordance with Article 7 of the Bylaws of the Multiple Listing Service, the MLS Nominating Committee, chaired by MLS Past President Eric Steuernagle, considered those who volunteered for service or are currently serving, and are pleased to present the following proposed slate of officers and directors.

  • REALTOR Right to Vote: Those holding membership in the Berkshire County Board of REALTORS are considered a voting member, and therefore this meeting is offered to you at no cost. There are no proxy ballots for the Board of REALTORS, each attendee REALTOR receives one ballot.
  • Additional Nominations for Ballot: Board of REALTORS: Additional candidates for the offices to be filled may be placed in nomination by petition signed by at least ten (10%) percent of the REALTOR® Members eligible to vote. The petition shall be filed with the Chief Executive Officer at least two (2) weeks before the election. The Chief Executive Officer shall send notice of such additional nominations to all Members eligible to vote before the election. The election of officers and directors shall take place at the annual meeting. Elections shall be by ballot and all votes shall be cast in person. The ballot shall contain the names of all candidates and offices for which they are nominated.
  • MLS Participant Right to Vote: Those holding participatory membership in the Berkshire MLS are considered a voting member, and therefore this meeting is offered to you at no cost. In the event the broker in charge, which we call the MLS Participant or Designated REALTOR (DR) for the firm is unable to attend the annual meeting, a REALTOR® substitute from your office may be appointed by the Participant no less than twenty four (24) hours prior to the meeting to vote on MLS issues. An email response to this message or to with your intent to assign a proxy would suffice for this notice but please seek confirmation of receipt of this message. Also note that we have to call final counts to the facility in on October 18th and will not be able to accommodate additional counts for breakfast.
  • Additional Nominations for Ballot: MLS: The names of additional proposed nominees may be added to the list selected by the Nominating Committee by a petition submitted to the Secretary of the Service by 10% of the Participants of the Service, with said petition received not less than 7 days prior to the date of meeting of the Participants to select nominees for Officers and Directors. The names contained in such petition, if duly received and certified, shall be presented in writing to the Participants at the meeting to select nominees as additional nominees for consideration for such office as specified in the petition. In addition, nominations may be made from the floor at the duly noticed meeting of the Participants to select nominees for Officers and Directors and, if seconded, shall be added to the list of proposed nominees.