The Board Office Staff just renewed our support of the the Berkshire United Way annual campaign and wanted to share with you how you can participate. First, a little background: Berkshire United Way’s mission is to improve the quality of life by mobilizing resources to address community priorities and create sustainable change. They raise over 80% of the campaign funding from 7,000 people working in the Berkshires who understand the impact of this critical work. Your participation would be of great help in three key areas: (1) Early Childhood Literacy, (2) Positive Youth Development and (3) Financial Stability – all of which make a huge impact on our communities and our ability to promote living here.
Perhaps you or your firm would like to contribute but you’re not sure how best to do it? You learn more by visiting or contact Jennifer Kerwood, Vice President for Development at 442-6948 X18 or for giving options.
Berkshire United Way
200 South Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201
(413)442-6948 X18