The following Web sites offer interesting tidbits about becoming the best leader you can be: – A user-driven site serving as a repository for fresh ideas and candid feedback on lessons learned. The Peter F. Drucker Foundation – The site of the Peter F. Drucker Foundation offers a hearty dose of online leadership immersion. |
Responsibility of Leadership
As a member of the leadership team, you carry several basic responsibilities. It is necessary that you understand the structure and operation of the Board, and how your Board is one of many important parts of the organization. You are responsible for knowing the Board’s previous activities, for completing unfinished projects and for meeting the goals for the year.
You must keep your attention focused on its work. If your Board discusses matters that bear on committees in the Board, you are responsible for referring those issues to the appropriate committee.
You are responsible for
- the orderly and efficient conduct of meetings;
- maintaining open communication among members;
- encouraging participation;
- moving toward a consensus or decision;
- and for maintaining accurate and concise records of each meeting.
You are also responsible for periodically evaluating the performance of Board, both collectively and individually, to determine if you are fulfilling its purpose and meeting its goals.
To help you meet these responsibilities the Chief Executive Officer of the Board will serve as your liaison. Seek advice and assistance from this individual whenever it is needed. The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the administration and execution of decisions made by the Board, is familiar with all operations and processes, and will be able to answer your questions about procedural matters.
All information requests, mailing addresses and contacts given should be clearly stated as the Berkshire County Board of REALTORS®. Further, for a continuation of products and source data, when information or products are requested from outside vendors each should be routed through the Board Office, which will be forwarded to each person immediately.
Improve Participation in Meetings
Source: REALTOR® Magazine Online |
Preparation is the principle ingredient of a successful committee meeting. After you have acquainted yourself with the Board’s purpose and goals, review the minutes of previous meetings. This will provide a background of the decisions, actions and recommendations. It can help prevent you from repeating or rehashing previous activities.
In most cases, you will meet on a regular basis and all meetings should be held at the Board office. All members routinely receive notice of the meetings by e-mail or MLS postings from the Board office. The Board Office must coordinate all meetings, even if they are held off premises.
The Chairperson is responsible for starting the meeting on time. It must also be ended on time so that your members will be able to meet his or her own individual schedules. A record of attendance is kept at each meeting.
The Chairperson is in charge of the meeting. If you are unable to be present for the meeting, notify board staff or Chair of your inability to attend as soon as possible. The person chairing the meeting is a coordinator and motivator. It is important to communicate in advance what will be accomplished at a specific meeting. When possible, both previous meeting minutes and the agenda will be provided in advance.
Motions that affect the policy of the Board or which deal with the Board’s finances need additional approval.
- A motion affecting policy must either made by or referred to the Board of Directors;
- A motion dealing with finances should be referred to the Finance Committee.
- A motion dealing with programs should be referred to the Program/Continuing Education Committee.
Rely on the advice of the Executive Officer in determining which motions need to be referred to the above mentioned committees. Robert’s Rule of Order Cheat Sheet.
the secretary is responsible for the accuracy of the minutes that record your actions at each meeting. You may appoint a another member or ask a staff member to take the minutes. Be sure you review these minutes prior to the next Board of Directors meeting or Committee meeting, whichever comes first.
As in most Boards, the Board of Directors has the final approval of committee actions, usually after the committee has made recommendations. The Chairperson of each committee is required to report Committee actions to the Board of Directors. Committee chairs may choose to report in person at the Directors’ meeting or may file a report by submitting the validated minutes.
Verbal reports are encouraged if Committee actions involve the Board’s policy or finances. This will allow the Directors to ask questions and understand the issue completely before approval. We ask that Committees file a written report with the Executive Officer as well, so that these reports can be made available to the membership on our website. It will also ensure that each report receives proper attention during the Directors meeting and will be saved for future reference.
If your committee is making a recommendation to the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer should have all relevant facts before the meeting and special time allotted for discussion.
All programs proposed by any Committee must be presented to the Board of Directors. In instances where programs are to be held, it is the responsibility of the Committee to research and select the facility and caterer (if any) and the responsibility of staff to engage the facility, presenters and caterer.
The Chief Executive Officer of the Berkshire County Board of REALTORS® can be counted upon to provide assistance to you when called upon.
The Board’s legal counsel acts as an advisor to the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer and should only be contacted by the President or the Chief Executive Officer. If it is necessary for counsel to meet or consult with your Board, you must make prior arrangements with the Chief Executive Officer well in advance of the meeting. If an emergency arises, please consult with the Chief Executive Officer or President.
An effective leader will lead by personal example. Enthusiasm is contagious and open discussions encourage participation. The Chairperson must take the initiative in setting the tone and tempo of the Committee, as well as its direction. Do not expect more from your colleagues than you do from yourself. Delegate responsibilities to committees, and rely on them to produce results. Fulfill all the commitments you make to the Board as a group and to the members individually. By being candid and equitable, by listening and respecting individual opinions, you can inspire others to participate to the fullest.
As a general rule of thumb, 10% of any organization’s membership will become active participants. To ensure that all Board members are aware of Board activities, we strive to provide a briefly written description of Board and Committee activities for monthly publication in the board e-newsletter, the Berkshire Bulletin.
To assist in the enhancement of the REALTOR® image, each leader is responsible to coordinate with the Public Relations Committee regarding PR on programs being conducted.