All Rules & Polices

The Board and MLS succeed in maintaining order in the Berkshire real estate marketplace through our adoption and enforcement of policies. Our polices always seek to protect your right to earn a living, be treated fairly, while upholding the code of ethics and ensuring consumers are protected by the law. Friendly reminders about these policies are based on phone calls to the Board Office, information obtained from the National Association and general reminders of issues frequently on the MAR Legal Hotline.  Below are our governing documents.

Board of Realtors Governing Documents

MLS Governing Documents:  The MLS succeeds in maintaining order in the Berkshire real estate marketplace through our adoption and enforcement of policies.  Our polices always seek to protect your right to earn a living, be treated fairly, while upholding the code of ethics and ensuring consumer’s right.  Any REALTOR® of this or any other association without further qualification except as otherwise stipulated in the MLS Bylaws, shall be eligible to participate in the multiple listing service upon agreeing in writing to conform to the rules and regulations thereof and to pay the costs incidental thereto.

Application & Change Forms

Board Policies

Application & Change Forms