Selected by the attendees at the Awards Night Tropical Dinner Party, we were happy to announce that current President Elect Andy Perenick was named the 2024 REALTOR Spirit award winner for 2024. Several nominations were received for: Nick Geranios, Jason Nocher, Laiken Rapisarda, Paula McLean, Pam Roberts, but Andy took the night with the most votes!
The REALTOR Spirit award is given to the REALTOR that consistently demonstrates the ideals that embody the very meaning of the term “REALTOR®”. The ideal nominee is an unsung hero within the real estate profession who supports other industry practitioners through actions, words and cooperation. Recipients are known for their willingness to go above and beyond in support of the association and the members.
Andy, always larger than life and famous for his daily inspirational quotes has been a member of the Board for almost 20 years (19 years and 10 months to be exact) and has served on numerous committees and in leadership positions over the years. He is our current President-Elect and will serve in the role of President of the Berkshire County Board of REALTORS in 2025. In 2012, when elected as REALTOR of the Year, Andy provided this quote about REALTOR Spirit: “In line with the American dream it is an honor to help people buy a home to raise a family and contribute to our community. Real estate sales at its finest, is an honest focus on helping others to meet their goals. It is in this spirit in which I work with my clients and volunteer my time and energy to assist in advancing my Realtor community.”, values that still hold true for him today.
Andy provided this quote, taken from Zig Zigler: “Inspiration and motivation is like bathing, I suggest you do it every day.” True to Andy form!