Did you know that for each of your listings in Flexmls you are able to very quickly run a Listing Activity Report? Not only is this a valuable tool for you to keep your seller in the loop about how their property is doing in the market; it can also be a very valuable tool to open up discussions about things, such as dropping price; increasing marketing tactics, etc. A nice bonus, with the simple click of a button you can email the report to your seller; and even add a scheduled email so you can set-it and forget-it!
Here’s how it works: From the dashboard, you can click on My Listings to access all listings on which you are the listing agent (this feature is not available to you unless you are the listing agent). Next to the MLS# you will find the following symbol: By clicking on the Down Arrow you will find the following menu of options:
Select the “Listing Activity” option.
A description of each data set on the report is shown below:
Listing Activity Report
This report, accessible only to logins with the ability to edit the displayed listing, summarizes listing activity through flexmls Web, internet sites, customer portals, flexmls messaging, and listings shared through portals and flexmls *IDX sites. The information on the report is continuously updated, so the numbers will reflect the live statistics for the listing.
The table marked How do People Rate this Listing displays the number of times that the listing has been marked as a Favorite, Possibility, or Reject from a customer portal or flexmls IDX site.
The chart marked Where people are viewing this listing breaks out the number of viewings by type – E-Mail, IDX, internally on the MLS, and more.
The chart marked How people rate this listing is a visual representation of the number of times the listing has been marked as a Favorite, Possibility, or Reject.
The table marked Actions People Took on this Listing displays the number of times that the listing was viewed within flexmls Web, on various web sites, and shared using the share feature of customer portals and flexmls IDX sites – this may include a customer e-mailing the listing to someone, sharing it on Facebook, Twitter, or other forms of social media. This table also tracks the number of times that flexmls messages were sent about the selected listing, and the chart below represents this information visually.
The final charts show information about other listings that were viewed or liked by flexmls users and users of the Portal and IDX sites. Click View to view these listings on a Search Results page.
As a privacy protection, the Listing Activity report does not include any identifying information about the agent or client who rated the listing or sent messages about the listing.
Printing and E-Mailing the Report
Use the Print or E-Mail buttons to print or e-mail the report to save the report for your files or to share the information with your seller.