RPAC is a grassroots political network of REALTORS® who raise campaign contributions for pro-REALTOR® candidates, mobilize REALTOR® voters, and promote critical legislative and regulatory issues affecting the real estate industry. The REALTOR®Massachusetts Political Action Committee is one of the leading PACs in Massachusetts, enabling the REALTOR® voice to be heard on Beacon Hill. The REALTOR® Political Action Committee is one of the strongest advocacy organizations in the nation, allowing REALTORS® to determine the quality and future of the profession and industry. Now, more than ever, it is critical for REALTORS® to come together and speak with one voice about the benefits a viable and progressive real estate market brings to our communities. Our elected officials make this possible in forums like city hall or the state house, through the support of REALTORS® like you!

The REALTOR Party needs your support, both in responding to calls-to-action and in RPAC funds. We know that this can be a difficult topic in our region, but we wanted to share what this program is trying to accomplish…. and why it makes good sense to participate at least minimally in the ways that can help champion homeownership. Now more than ever, it is critical for REALTORS® AND AFFILIATES across America to come together and speak with one voice about the stability a sound and dynamic real estate market brings to our communities. From city hall to the state house to the U.S. Capitol, our elected officials are making decisions that have a huge impact on the bottom line of REALTORS® and their customers. Through your support, the REALTOR® Party represents your interests.
- Please invest now in homeownership by supporting RPAC if you haven’t already done so. A $15 fair share contribution (or higher) is a great start.
- Please register for the legislative luncheon if you haven’t already done so. Show up to show the issues around private property rights matter to you!
There are five goals of the REALTOR® Party:
- ENCOURAGE REALTORS® / AFFILIATES to get involved in their association and their community.
- EDUCATE REALTORS®/ AFFILIATES on the issues that impact their community and their bottom line.
- ENGAGE REALTORS® on behalf of strengthening their businesses.
- BUILD RELATIONSHIPS with REALTORS® and brokers to protect our industry and our customers.
- DELIVER RESOURCES to state and local associations.
The REALTOR® Party also is designed to strengthen our relationships with consumers. NAR is not only reaching out to members to educate them about the benefits of the REALTOR®Party, but we are also reaching out to the nation’s 75 million homeowners and asking them to join us in preserving and protecting the dream of home ownership and real estate investment.
We’re reaching out to consumers online, on TV, and on radio, through:
• Our consumer site, HouseLogic.com
• New public advocacy television ads, and,
• Our radio show, Real Estate Today.
REALTOR.com is now including homeownership advocacy issues on their site as well.
What has RPAC done for you lately? WOW!
Did you know that you are already benefiting from the work of The REALTOR® Political Action Committee (RPAC)? With the help of RPAC contributions, we have:
- Successfully lobbied to eliminate a proposed sales tax on real estate commissions. No double taxing of your income!
- Kept the mortgage interest deduction alive and well; real estate would be a much less attractive investment to buyers without the mortgage interest deduction.
- Stopped the proliferation of real estate transfer taxes. This is an ongoing fight at the local, state, and national level.
- Successfully stopped proposed mandatory energy scoring of homes in Massachusetts at the time of transfer.
- Passed the National Flood Insurance delay 5-year re-authorization bill, to bring certainty to real estate transactions in more than 21,000 communities nationwide where flood insurance is required for a mortgage.
- Promoted the full Senate package that extended the Mortgage Cancellation Relief for an additional year.
- Limited the impact of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) in ’12 and ’13 and renews the 15-year cost recovery for leasehold improvements through 2013.
- Supported legislation that issues new guidelines that streamlined the short sale processnationwide
- In Massachusetts passed amended language that allows REALTORS® to continue to work with lenders and sellers in short sales without the fear of violating the law.
- Worked tirelessly to ensure that House of Representatives and Senate 2014 budgetmaintained the MA Capital Gains Exclusion on Home Sales.
- Successfully fought the repeal of the 2014 MA Lead Paint Tax Credit, that would have put children at a much greater risk for lead poisoning; particularly those children of low and moderate-income families who own or reside in older homes.
- Successfully fought the repeal of the MA 2014 Title V Tax Credit, which would have added significant financial strain on low- and moderate-income homeowners in Berkshire County
- Advocated for amended language in legislation to allow REALTORS® to continue to offer Broker Price Opinions BPOs without having to acquire an additional license.
- Successfully advocated to the committee to delete harmful 40B provisions from the $1.4 billion Housing Bond Bill.
That’s money back in your pocket and added back to your business’ bottom line. RPAC is an investment; your investment in your business. Please invest now in homeownership by supporting RPAC
But What about my Political Party Affiliations? The money follows the issue, not the party…..
Our allies in local, state and federal government span the political spectrum – and we need to work with each one of them to make sure they continue to support the interests of the real estate profession. In fact, the REALTOR® party has been a leader in building the bipartisan relationships necessary on both sides of the aisle in jurisdictions in every state. We need to build on that success and your involvement now can help make that happen.
RPAC uses its financial resources to support candidates for Congress who both understand and support REALTOR® issues. RPAC looks to build the future by putting dollars in places that will help advance the interests of real estate professionals. RPAC is the only political group in the country organized for REALTORS® and run by REALTORS®. RPAC exists solely to further issues important to REALTORS®.
RPAC’s mission is to identify candidates for elected office on the local, state and national levels who will work with REALTORS® to promote and protect the American Dream of homeownership. Candidates that receive support from RPAC are not selected based on their political party or ideology, but solely on their support of real estate issues. Our legislative allies are members of the REALTOR® Party. The REALTOR® Party supports the issues that are important to your business as a REALTOR®, regardless of political party affiliation.
RPAC what you need to know…
[RPAC = Realtor’s® Political Action Committee] REALTORS® are business people and know that the best way to do business is to maximize return on investment. The organization has set a fair share investment minimum requested contribution of $15 per member. This is a voluntary donation to the PAC. If you’d prefer not to support the pack our would prefer to make a corporate donation, you can alternatively contribute to the PAF [Political Action Fund] that only uses money for issues, not candidate support.
If REALTORS® do not speak out, get involved and help shape the discussion, someone else will. No one knows a community better than a REALTOR®. REALTORS® know the lay of the land, the families, the best schools, the neighborhoods and the leaders of any given area. REALTORS® work in every city, county and community in the nation. REALTORS® are on the front line as defenders of real estate issues.