Ut-oh. We’ve heard that there are a lot of listings, especially land, where the map pin is in the wrong location or not geo-coded at all. This does your client a huge disservice and is making it hard for cooperating brokers to find your property! It also puts these listings at a disadvantage on Zillow and syndication sites because they don’t appear in map searches, which is the primary way buyers locate homes. Check your listings please! We have notified all who have unmapped listings, but if your pin is in the wrong place, we can’t tell. https://wp.me/p3f4jh-awF
Are you having trouble knowing where exactly to locate the pin? There are a few simple tricks…
Go to Edit Listing, then click “map location“.
Check the location of your pin to make sure it is accurate, or map it by putting the pin on the correct location. Zoom the map in using the plus sign, to get down to street level. Click the satellite button to see the topographical map, and then click “overlays” and turn on “imagery parcels” so that you can see both boundaries and landscape at the same time. Place the pin right on the roof of the house or middle of the parcel so that the geocoding will be perfect. Also note, with large lots, where you place the pin is where the default zoom for most mapping services so your attention to this detail makes a big difference in exposure for your client’s property online.
Click “Use this location” when the pin is over the correct place on the map. Note that the pin stays in one place and you actually move the map with the mouse.
Viola! You’ve put a pin in it!