Designated REALTORS: Have You Taken Action?

The Board of Registration sent out a letter to all Designated Brokers of Record with instructions on mandated reporting that must be done on their website, through your brokerage account, to notify them of all licensees hanging their license with you.  Have you acted?  If not, now is the time!  The content of the letter is as follows:

Dear XXX,,

The Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons (hereinafter, the”Board”) is in the process of updating our tracking of affiliated brokers and salespeople at
licensed brokerages. We are writing to you as you are the broker of record for the above­referenced real estate brokerage and, as such, you are responsible for notifying the Board
of all affiliated individual licensees, whether broker or salesperson. See 254 Code Mass. Regs. § 3.00(7).

As part to this changed process, your notification to the · Board of all current affiliated salespeople and brokers will . be made through the electronic · licensing record for the brokerage, not through your individual broker’s license, as has occurred in the past. As we are changing this process, you must re-enter this information under the licensed brokerage
on our system via accessing this link: Once logged in go to manage, licenses, permits and certificates.

Under the brokerage license chose amendment and select the appropriate affiliation amendment option.

The Board believes that tying the affiliations to the licensed brokerage will provide a more simplified process; particularly, if a new broker of record is nominated by the brokerage,
that designation can be changed directly on the brokerage’s electronic licensure record without requiring any further reentry of affiliated individual licensees. In addition, affiliations can be updated (added or deleted) again directly by accessing the brokerage’s licensure record.

For your convenience, here is the information to link the brokerage license to your portal if you have not already done so. We suggest having one account specifically for the brokerage for the above-mentioned reasoning of if a broker of record changes.

Agency: DPL
Record Id: xxx
Authorization Code: xxx

If you have not received a letter or you require assistance, please contact the Board of Registration at 617-727-2373.  Please note that staff at the Board Office cannot provide you with this information or perform these updates on your behalf.  Thank you!