2023 MLS Spotlight: Andy Perenick

A new feature in our REcap this year is a weekly spotlight of our elected leaders.  We want you to get to know the volunteers who have devoted their time and talents to serve our industry and our members.  Next up, is MLS Past President, Andy PerenickHaving served as MLS President in 2011, 2012 and 2022 he is familiar with the industry and association at all levels. He serves on the MLS Board, leads the Affiliate workgroup, and serves as a Town Liaison.  His leadership includes service on the Realtor Board of Directors, as well as Finance, Investment, Orientation, Personnel, and Professional Standards Committees.  He is co-owner of Berkshire Dream Home, Inc. in Dalton MA with his wife Sarah and serves as chair of the Planning Board and Board of Health in his community.  He was honored with the coveted 2012 REALTOR of they YEAR award for his service to the industry and honored by the Dalton PD for his assistance crime watching and helping police apprehend criminals (he was a former police officer).  If you’ve been to a meeting with Andy, you know he loves to read and loves a great quote, so here is a favorite Andy likes to live by: “Help enough other people get what they want and you will get what you want.”  – Zig Ziglar