Yop Poll Archive

Do you hesitate to sign up for classes because it takes a while to log in and register through the portal?

If you are a listing agent, do you think you would consider giving cooperating brokers persmission to share your listing on Facebook via the Realtor-to-Realtor reamrks?

Tell us your thoughts about AtHomeInTheBerkshires.com #AtHomeBerkshire (our new website, twitter and facebook outreach to consumers)

We're planning the Installation of Officers Meeting for January 13th. What time do you prefer?

This year we enter our 75th year as a REALTOR Association. How should we honor and celebrate that milestone?
73 votes

Would you be interested in obtaining your 2-day Green Designation?

Many have asked that the P&S Contact Worksheet we give to lenders and attorneys before a closing be modified to include the buyer and seller's phone number and email address. What do you think?
85 votes

The FlexMLS system currently allows access to Berkshire contracts. Would you use any of MAR's forms in the FlexMLS system instead of on Ziplogix?

Since the Ziplogx now has free signature capabilities, have you...

Out of over 1,000 homes actively listed in the MLS that were built before 1978, only 575 have lead paint forms uploaded to the listing. We've had numerous complaints that the seller’s agent hasn’t provided this completed form (required before P&S) and is holding up the offer process. Do you believe that we should…

Which day of the week works best for you for continuing education? (9-11 a.m. & 11:30 - 1:30 p.m.)

How would you like to learn of our upcoming events?

Placemaking is simply a way of creating a place in a community where people want to visit and be. These places are welcoming, safe, comfortable, aesthetically pleasing, usable, accessible and invite interaction. Placemaking is where a space is turned into a place where residents, and others, can connect with each other to meet, greet, gather, and come together as a community. A space becomes a place when there is a reason to go there. Think of all the empty, vacant, unsafe, dysfunctional, uninviting, underused lots, squares, plazas, parks, bus stops, sidewalks, streets and waterfronts in your community. More than likely, they are avoided, bypassed and ignored. Placemaking can turn them around.

What contact/customer relationship management (CRM) system do you use, if any?

This poll is no longer accepting votes

How do you fill in the Lot Size Dimensions field when entering a listing:

Most Unique/Original pumpkin Submission

What was the Funniest Pumpkin Submission?

What is the SCARIEST pumpkin submission?

What was the best KIDs pumpkin submission?

What forms software do you plan to use starting January 1st?

The MLS Board has a workgroup examining all of the different types of programs that help agents better manage their showing calendar. These showing services range from a one-stop way to make, keep and track appointments on both the buyer and seller agent sides - to full blown automated showing setup options. Would you consider a showing management an important part of your business?to
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What community events would you be interested in participating in this year? (check all that apply)

It would be incredibly helpful for us to know what forms software platform you use so that we can make sure we are serving your business needs.

Please share your thoughts on the driving directions field in the MLS

Would you prefer ABR classes to be in person or on Zoom / How Shall We Structure?

What forms provider do you use?

Would you like additional CRS tax data training?

What type of on-going post settlement support do you need?