Have you claimed your .REALTOR domain yet?

You know web addresses that end in .com, .org, .edu or .gov.

These are called top-level domains (TLDs) and thousands more are coming, dividing the Internet into industry-specific categories that make it easier for consumers to navigate the online world and locate exactly what they need.

Anyone can have a web address ending with .com or .net because they are unrestricted, but some TLDs are restricted, only available for use by a permitted group like:

  • .edu is only available to U.S.-affiliated institutions of higher education
  • .gov is only available to government entities
  • .job is only available to companies and organizations seeking employment

More TLDs like these will make it possible for consumers to identify trusted sources on the internet like the new .REALTOR!

.REALTOR, a restricted TLD only available to REALTORS® — members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and the Canadian Real Estate Association who adhere to a strict Code of Ethics.

.REALTOR is among the hundreds of new TLDs already on the Internet, including .lawyer, .nyc, .club. It is expected that more than 1,300 additional TLDs will be introduced over the next couple of years. To make it easier for homebuyers, sellers and investors to locate a trusted valued source of real estate information, resources and services online, NAR applied and was awarded the .REALTOR domain, which launched on October 23, 2014.  Since its launch, .REALTOR has become one of the most successful TLDs, with over 90,000 domains live on the Internet.

According to NAR research, nearly 9 out of 10 recent buyers used the Internet in their home search process. Web addresses that end in .REALTOR create a more positive experience for consumers seeking real estate information online and services. Consumers instantly know they’re working with a REALTOR®, a trustworthy, ethical real estate professional they can count on.

Looking for Myths of .REALTOR? Click here


NAR will provide the first 500,000* members who claim their web address with a FREE .REALTOR web address for one year. REALTORS® can claim as many .REALTOR web addresses as they like as long as they meet the naming guidelines and usage requirements.

Claim your .REALTOR domain here.

